Part. 4

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Hey guys happy new year and let the good times roll! Anyways, enjoy!

You finished putting your stuff back in your bag, but still holding onto "tig tig." You waited patiently for your dad to come pick you up from daycare, you were surprised when you saw your uncle Toshi come to pick you up instead. Once he signed you out and you both bid Mrs. Compton goodbye, you guys headed for the volleyball gym for practice. "Where papa?" "He got caught up with schoolwork, baby he'll be here soon though." You nodded at the answer; when you guys got to the gym, Wakatoshi set you down and you immediately ran to Shirabu and Goshiki since practice hasn't started yet. "Unca Shibu Unca Shiki!" You latched onto Goshiki and he picked you up, ruffling your hair. "Hello little butterfly, how was daycare?" You began to animatedly talk about your day, distinctly reminding them of their guess blocker. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, your father got to the gym and slowly crept behind you. Placing a hand on your shoulder, someone goes, "Mai, I wanted to hear about your day too!" Turning around in Goshiki's arms you saw "Daddy!" Taking you in his arms, Tendou rubbed his nose against yours, at this time both Shiratorizawa coaches walked in. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING STANDING AROUND FOR?! IT'S AFTER 4 MOVE IT AND GET YOUR ASSES WARMED UP!!" Ah that would be the lovely coach Washijo at first you were scared of him, like any normal child would be. But after awhile he just seemed like a funny grumpy old man. (Honestly I feel the same way about coach Washijo he's one of the main reasons I love season 3). Anyways, Tendou sat you down on the bench next to the coaches and patted your head before joining the others. Setting down your stuffed animal beside you, you took out your crayons and coloring book. You were normally very quiet and good, practice was normally about 3 hours long so the coaches didn't mind you. After coloring for awhile, your tummy growled, looking through your backpack, you came across some fruit snacks. Problem was you couldn't get it open on your own, noticing Reon sitting next to you, you tapped him. "Hm, do you need something Mai?" "Help pwease." Chuckling, Reon opened it and handed it back to you, before he was called to switch in with someone. Semi was now sitting next to you. "Hi unca Semi!" "Hello princess." You ate your snacks and went back to coloring.  Another hour went by and you suddenly had an urge. You had to use the potty, your daddy was already potty training you, but you still wore pullups for just in case. Unfortunately, Tendou was playing on the court at the moment and only the coaches were on the benches with you. You knew you wouldn't be able to hold it for the rest of practice but you didn't want to have an accident. Carefully getting down from the bench you walked up to Coach Washijo and tugged on his pant leg. "Do you need something Mai?" "Gampa I have to go potty." (Yes coach Washijo is like your grandpa, Washijo has a soft spot for you and only you). He looked at you and indeed saw you were trying to hold it, the coaches called a timeout and all the boys came and you immediately ran to Tendou. "Daddddyyyy, potty." Your dad picked you up and brought you into the locker room (Don't worry no one else is in there, you won't see something you shouldn't). After you did your thing, your dad helped you to wash your hands he ruffled your hair. "Good job my little paradise." After you two got back, the coaches had an announcement to make. "Alright, in two weeks, Nekoma will be hosting a week long training camp during our month break. Karasuno, Fukurodani, Date Tech, and Jozenjhi will be joining as well. There will be more details the closer we get to it. For now, back to practice!" Shortly after practice was over and you all left to head back to the dorms you were in Taichi's arms feeling sleepy from the long day. Tendou looked at you and chuckled before pulling you into his arms "I know you're tired baby, but you have to eat dinner first." You grumbled but managed to stay awake long enough to eat some instant ramen and have your dad put you in your pjs. You went and told everyone goodnight and went into your guys' dorm. Your father tucked you in and kissed your cheek "Good night my little miracle child."

Oof hello it feels so long since I've updated but I will prevail now Shiratorizawa will be going to a training camp.  Nothing can go wrong right?  Till next time Maximoff216 signing off!

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