Chapter 1

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"So you're saying that if you can pick anywhere in the world to go to, you'd choose Australia?" Eddie said as he leaned against the headboard.

I nodded "Yeah"

"Please, do elaborate" he smiled looked down at me where I was laying on the floor "Because I know it's not because of all the snakes and the deadly bugs"

"I don't know" I told him "The people, the beaches, everything about it just seams magical. It was a dream of mine since I was younger"

"I'd go to Japan if I had the chance" he said "It's so different than here"
He then rolled to his face was directly above mine "Plus, I heart they have the best roller coasters and cute girls"

I sat up and threw the pillow I was resting my head at his face "You really can't justify going to a country just because its the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life"

"Yeah. Yeah" he said as he rolled on his back before covering his face with the pillow he caught "I'm going to rest my eyes for a bit"

I sat up slapping his leg "It's Thursday afternoon, you can't fall asleep" I told him.

He groaned as he got up "How about we go to the basketball game then" he said "Everyone else I going"

"I don't like crowded places" I told him.

I grabbed the pillow from my hand and covered his face again as he attempted to go to sleep "Then I guess we sleep"

"Eddie" I warned.

"I guess we're going to the game after all then" he said getting up.

"I don't like very much" I told him.

He got up and threw the pillow right into my arms "Then by did you befriend me" he asked.

I shook my head "I didn't necessarily choose you" I said "You just happened"
It was true, after my melt down at the gym the night Rider disappeared, I woke up with Eddie sitting next to me in my dad's office. When I stopped coming to the gym to train and to school for a while, he came to my house every single day for help me catch up to what I missed at school and help me with my home work despite how many times I told him I don't need his help.

Eventually I did get out of bed and let him help piece my life back together and return to the closet thing to normal there was anymore. He walked with me to school, sat with me during to lunch, did homework together, and practiced lunch together at the gym as well. He kept me in check no matter what I was going through.

Even at my lowest, even I stopped taking my pills, he was there through all of my moods. Despite how much I yelled, hit, pushed back, he held on me no matter how hard it was for him or I to do so. He seen it all and still decided to stay.

Eddie placed his head head on my lap and smiled "Sing me a song, Zennie" he said.

"I'm not in the mood" I said as I twirled one of his honey colored curly locks between my fingers

"Plus, if we're going to the games, I need to get ready"

He sat up with excitement in his ocean colored eyes "We're going?"

"I owe you a lot" I told him "Thank you for everything!"

"Hey, Eddie" My younger sister Sammy said as she walked into the room unannounced.

"Hey, kiddo" I said as he sat up.

She took a seat next to him with brightest smile that I have evert seen on her face. It's the kind of smile that she only shows to Eddie. The age difference between her and Eddie, it didn't stop her from crushing on him hard.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked.

I got off the bed and walked into my closet as Eddie talked to Sammy, and gently rejected her date offer again for the 10th time this month alone.

"White and yellow, that's the color of our school" He called.
I rolled my eyes as I closed the door of the closet and opened the light. My build in closet wasn't big or anything, it was the normal size closet, except being half empty so I was able to change in there. Deciding that I don't want to argue with Eddie, I opted for a yellow sweater tucked into a pair of white slim fit mom jeans.

When I came out the closet, Sammy was already gone. Eddie was on the floor going over the homework we did earlier today.

"Another date?" I asked as I slipped on my socks.

He nodded "Too young, not my type" he said.

"It's 4 years difference between the two of you" I told him "And please, not your type? She's a Sophomore, Cheerleader, and pretty"

"Again, it's not my type" he said "I'm turning 18 in a few months, not looking to get arrested"

"Then what's your type" I asked.

"You" he said without even looking up from his notes.

I felt the chills running down my spin.

"You know how I feel about you" he simply said "Nothing has changed since the last time we had this conversation a couple of months ago. Just because we're not talking about it, it doesn't mean that it have changed or I forgot about it"

"Eddie..." I started.

He nods as he got up and tossed the notebook on the bed "Don't worry about it, yeah?" He said

"I know you don't do boyfriends"
He then nodded his head to the door "Now, what's on your mind for lunch?" He said "When need to make sure that your belly is happy so we are happy during the game"


"Are you sitting with us today?" One of Eddie's close friends, Jeremiah, asked as he patting

Eddie's shoulder on the way into the school's gym. He then looked pass him to me and gave me a smile "Fancy seeing you here, Zee"

I gave him a small smile and a nod "Jeremiah" I greeted shyly and politely.

"Please don't call me that" he groaned "It's just Jer"

I gave him another nod before looking up at Eddie and tugging on his sleeves. He smiled dropping his hand down to mine and lacing his finger between mine before giving it a squeeze.

"C'mon, let get a seat before the game starts" Eddie said.

Jeremiah started walking backward to the hallway "What do you want me to get you two? Popcorn, water, hotdog? Never mind, I will surprise you. I'll see you two up there"

I get along with Eddie's friends perfectly fine. We don't hangout of anything outside of school like usual friends do, we just run into each others in the hallways and at the gym where they come to workout. My dad's gym is the only gym around in our town, so, most of the guys from school especially the football, Molly ball and the basketball team would come down there.

Aside from Eddie, I don't usually hangout with anyone at all. When he's not around and in his football practice, I'd stay at my dad's gym and help him out with his paperwork, manage his social media, and snap a couple of pictures to use. Then at night, Eddie would usually come back and help me close up the gym and walk home with me.

All the boys and a few of their girlfriend said Hi to us before we sat down to watch the game. Diana, Jeremiah's girlfriend, smiled and got up to move seats when she saw me. She tippy toed over her friends and took a seat next to me before giving me a hug.

"It's been a while since I saw you coming to these games" she said "What's the special occasion? A date with this handsome boy I hope"

"Not in this life time" I smiled at her.

"I will pretend that I didn't hear that" Eddie said and he leaned back to watch the game when the whistle blew.

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