Dinner at the Chalamet house

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Hi there! Thanks for checking this out and reading. This is my very first imagine, so please let me know if you enjoyed it or if there is something you would like me to change/improve on or just let me know what you think. Again thank you so much!! And I hope you enjoy! 💕💕😊

Your son's name (Y/s/n)
Your daughters name (y/d/n)

Your POV
It was a peaceful Friday afternoon. Timmy had just picked up the kids from school and had been playing with them in the living room for a little while now.
Mean while I was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

After a while I felt a pair of hands sneak there way around my waist and felt a pair of soft lips on my neck.

"Hi baby," Timothée had said in between kisses on my neck, while I still had my back towards him.

"Hi love" I replied

"How was your day?" He continued

"It was alright, just a busy day at the office and John wouldn't stop giving out so much work. But will just see how tomorrow goes." I said while turning around to see his beautiful face I hadn't seen all day today. Just looking at him and being in his presence was enough to bring a smile on my face and know everything was going to be alright.

"Oh no, I'm sorry love. Hopefully he eases down a bit with the workload soon." He said with a reassuring smile.
"Yeah," "anyways enough about me, how was your day bub?" I asked

"It's as pretty chill, we were on set and..." and he continued to tell me all about his day with a big smile on his face while I made small comments to let him know I was listening and intrigued.

Timothée and I had been so distracted in our conversation about his next upcoming project all while trying to move as quickly as possible to finish up dinner, the we didn't notice our son come in until he spoke.

"Mommy, daddy, when is dinner gonna be ready?" Asked our 7 year old son. He looked just like his father with just a few different features here and there. He had those big soft brown curly locks that Timmy had. His hair falling over his green eyes. I reached over and moved his curls aside to get a better look at our beautiful boy we had created. He has his fathers hair eyes and nose with my lips.

"Just 10 more minutes bub" I replied, while bending down to give him a quick kiss on the forehead.
He had replied with an okay and had soon after ran back to what ever he was doing

I looked up at Tim and said, "how bout you go and get them to get ready for dinner yeah? I'll finish this here."

He nodded and gave me quick peck on the lips. After all these years with Timmy, he always managed to make me blush and get butterflies in my tummy.

After calling both of themover, they had a little competition running up the stairs to see who could climb up the fastest.

You could hear the cheers and soft giggles of (y/d/n) and (y/s/n), with the loud yet soft chuckles of timothée, echo and bounce off the walls of your house once they had reached the top.

You had everything set on the table by the time they had gotten back.

"Alright kids, lets help me set the table, yeah" Timothée said to the kids while I watched on with big smile on my face.

"Okay daddy" they both said in unison and ran towards the kitchen where Timmy handed them the plates and glass cups and then getting the utensils out and getting everything set on the table.

Timothée then helped me bring everything out to the table and made sure everything was set once we all were seated.

We had all started eating with small conversations about how the kids day went filling the silence. Timmy would say something funny and the kids would burst out laughing. It continued in like that for a while until everyone was done with dinner.

After dinner the kids we're already ready to continue playing, but before they could get to far Timmy said
"Ah ah ah, kids what do we we say to mommy for this delicious meal?"
He said with his eyebrows raised and a small smile in his face

"Thank you mommy" Both kids said at the same time

"Your welcome babies, no go and play for a bit before we have to get ready for bed." I said with a chuckle and big smile on my face.

After, Timmy and I cleaned up the table and kitchen. After we had finished up, Timmy and I went to the couch and we cuddled while watching our kids play before having to head up stairs to get ready for bed.

After we had settled down for a bit, I looked up at Timmy and said "You are an amazing husband and an even better father you know" I said matter of factly while staring and his beautiful green eyes.

"Why thank you," he said with a cocky smile. I let out a small chuckle.
"You are an amazing mother and wife. I couldn't have asked for anyone else. I love you so much!" He continued and then proceeded to attack me with kisses all over my face before I could respond. We then heard our kids run up and started to join in, jumping into our laps and giving kisses and hugs to us.
We all cuddled for a while longer on the couch while listening to Timmy tell us stories about things that happened on set or when he was younger.

I sat there listening staring at the little family Timmy and I had created with so much love and joy. Before heading upstairs to get the kids ready for bedtime.

Timothée Chalamet dad imagines!! 😊Where stories live. Discover now