Chapter Nineteen

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"Because I don't love those other thousand androids!" He finally burst out. His hand rose to meet yours, pressing it further to his cheek. "I love you, [Y/N]."

"Connor I...I don't know what to say." You stammered after failing to find the right words.

"Don't say anything." He advised, leaning forward. You obliged tilting your face upwards to greet him as your lips touched.

Like most of Connor, his lips were unexpectedly soft and warm. His hands traced the curves of your body and settled on your hips. He gripped them gently and used them to pull you close to him. You held his face in your hands, cupping his jawline. Eventually you moved your hands up to his hair. You combed your fingers through his hair and occasionally grabbing fistfuls of it. You only broke apart when you were short of breath.

"I need oxygen." You reminded him, staggering backwards. He held onto you, remembering your bad leg.

"Of course." He nodded. "Will you allow me to take you home now, Please?"

"Can you talk to Markus and the others? Can you tell me if they got out safe?" You asked, nervously biting your lip.

"If you still need oxygen, it may be wise for you to not bite your lip just this moment." Connor advised. You understood what he was implying and decided to tease him. You continued biting your lip and offered an unapologetic smile. "[Y/N], do you want me to tell you about Markus and the others or do you want to go back to..." He leaned forward, his lips hovering just above yours.

"Tell me about the Deviants first." You decided. Connor nodded. He immediately straightened his back and stood up.

"Marcus sent me an address. It is an abandoned church not far from here." He told you. "Any Deviants who were able to escape Jericho are encouraged to regroup there."

"We should go." You encouraged him. "They might need our help."

"[Y/N], I really must insist that I take you home." He was less enthused.

"I propose a compromise." You suggested in your best imitation of Connor. "You can take me home after we check on the Deviants from Jericho."

"Y/N, please..." Connor looked back at you. He blinked his eyes several times while he tried to determine the best course of action. Navigating one's own emotions was far more difficult that he'd anticipated. While rationally he knew the safest course of action was for the two of you to go directly home, he also wanted to help the other androids. He knew that he could help, he was the only one who knew Cyberlife's inner workings well. He had a plan, but that plan would only work if he knew you were safe.

"Connor, I'm not going to budge on this." You insisted, breaking him from his thoughts. "If you won't take me I'll have to go myself."

"[Y/N], I promised Hank." He pleaded with you. "He'll be home by now and he'll be worried about you."

"I'll be safe as long as I with you." It was the truth. You'd always known that Connor would never let anything happen to you and now that he was Deviant, he'd be more protective than ever. "We'll meet Marcus at the church and if they're safe, I'll go home without any complaints. I promise." You vowed, sealing it with a kiss.

You and Connor entered the church, both painfully aware of the loud creak emulating from the door as he opened it

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You and Connor entered the church, both painfully aware of the loud creak emulating from the door as he opened it. Most of the androids looked around as you walked in. They resumed what they'd been doing when they decided neither of you were a threat. Even at a glance you could tell that not everyone from Jericho had survived. Marcus approached you looking somber.

"Connor. [Y/N]." He greeted you with a pair of nods. "I didn't think you'd come."

"It's my fault the humans found Jericho." Connor reminded him. "I want to help but I can understand if you've decided not to trust me."

"You're one of us now." Marcus told him. "Your place is with your people."

"There are thousands of Androids at the Cyberlife assembly plant." Connor volunteered. He was nervous to describe his plan in front of you, but Marcus needed to know that the androids had options. "If we could wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance of power."

"You want to infiltrate the Cyberlife Tower?" Marcus was skeptical. "Connor that's suicide."

"They trust me." Connor disagreed. "They'll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating Cyberlife, its me."

"If you go there, they will kill you." Marcus was certain.

"There's a high probability." Connor didn't argue. He cast a sideways glance in your direction. "But statistically speaking, there is always a chance for unlikely events to take place."

"I can't guarantee her safety." Marcus said, indicating you.

"I'm not asking you to." Connor agreed. "She's going home."

"How can you expect me to just go home after telling me that you're going to try and infiltrate Cyberlife?" You argued. "I should go with you."

"You should go home, [Y/N]." Marcus told you. "You're not an android. This isn't your fight."

"You're wrong." You told him. "I'm not an android, but this is everyone's fight. Your people need to know that some humans can be trusted. Not all of us want to see android kept in camps or disassembled. Let me help."

Marcus seemed hesitant. He knew that all humans weren't inherently evil just as all deviants weren't inherently dangerous. He knew that you could be trusted. You had stopped Connor from shooting him back at Jericho. But he was already feeling guilty about allowing Connor to sneak into Cyberlife. Would it be fair to ask more of you? Marcus glanced over his shoulder. You followed his glance to the android family you'd met before.

"I thought they would be safe with us." He told you. "Now, I think the best thing to do would be to get them out of the city. Can you do that?"

"[Y/N]..." Conner warned you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You'd promised him you'd go straight home.

"No." You told Marcus. "It's too risky and there's very little chance they'd make it across the border. Canada's been anti-android since before this all happened. I doubt they changed their minds." Marcus nodded. He looked disappointed. "But, I can keep them safe. They can come home with me."

"[Y/N], you apartment is in the center of the city." Connor reminded you. "It would be too dangerous to take androids there."

"Not my place; Dads'." You shook your head and explained to Marcus why this was a good plan. "It's on the outskirts of the city, I can take backroads most of the way and no one will think to look for them once we're there. My dad's a cop, and he has a bit of a reputation for hating androids. Connor tell him." You elbowed Connor.

"It's more efficient if I show you." He explained. Connor rolled up his sleeve and exposed his right forearm. He offered it to Marcus. The Deviant leader linked up his own arm and the two androids began sharing information. You could only assume Connor was sharing footage of your father from before when he hated androids and now that he'd come around to Connor. When the information share was complete, Marcus looked back at you.

"Are you sure that you can get them there safely?" He asked.

"Yes." You promised.

"Alright. I'll introduce you." He began to walk away and motioned for you to follow him.

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