1 - hogwarts

574 36 27

song recommendation: take yours - matthew mole

maisie harrington

The next week passes by quickly, mother and father making sure that Ben and I are prepared for the whole school year.

And now, the moment has finally come. We're making our way through Kings Cross Station trying to find platform 9 and 3/4.

"I remember it being somewhere near here..." Ben whispers as he itches his head in confusion, looking around at all the signs in the train station.

"Sweetie, we're in front of platform 3." Mother laughs as she pushes his cart of luggage for him, saving him from the "twisted ankle" he claims he's gotten from the way over here.

"No wonder why he wasn't placed in Ravenclaw," i mutter under my breath, but apparently I wasn't quiet enough because father nudges my shoulder and looks at me with a frown, silently telling me that he expects better from me.

We walk for a few more minutes, passing lots of muggles as they depart from their families as well. It always amazes me how they live without magic...having to do everything by hand just seems so cruel.

I catch up to hold mother's hand as we approach a brick wall, looking the exact same as every wall before it.

"Now, this is platform 9 and 3/4," Ben grins as he runs up to mother and takes his cart back. "Thanks for pushing it! I feel much better now."

"Looks like it," father says sarcastically as mother and I laugh, Ben's brows furrowing at us as we all laugh at him.

"We're supposed to run through that?" I ask, confused as to how they expect me to run through an actual brick wall.

"It's easy, sweetheart. Ben tell her-"

"You'll be fine, Mais." Ben smiles at me as he picks up the bird cage with Everest inside of it, placing it carefully on top of all his belongings. "Just run right at it and doesn't overthink it."

"Just run right at it!" I mock his words as mother gives me a warning glare, telling me to knock it off. "Fine."

Ben rolls his eyes before lining himself up at the wall's center. "I'll go first so you won't be scared-"

"I'm not scared."

"Whatever," he laughs as he focuses back on the wall. "Just take a deep breath and follow me."

I watch as he runs at the wall at full force before disappearing. If any muggles were around, they'd surely freak. Thank Merlin, they all seem to have gone away right now.

I like myself up as well, following just as Ben did before closing my eyes and taking a nice deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to do. After a moment, I open them and without hesitation, charge at the wall, slightly flinching when I feel a cool gust of wind hit me, making me realize that I've done it.

Mother and father appear behind me seconds later, looking unbothered as they've already done this many times.

We begin to walk towards where the crowds of wizarding families are, and that's when I see it.

The Hogwarts Express standing tall right in front of me. It's one of those things you hear good things about but have to see it to really believe it.

And let's just say that all those good rumors are true.

"This is it..." Mother sighs as she looks over at Ben and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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