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"Bro, don't look now but I think there's someone behind you."

Austin immediately turned around. He had been sitting in the living room FaceTiming with Emerson, the two of them catching up from the past few days before introducing him to the kids. Not that they really had "catching up" to do since Emerson texted Austin constantly throughout the day about every little thing. Austin saw Hayes hanging in the doorway, unsure on whether she was welcomed into the room or not. She had been in the family room after Austin changed the bandage on her knee but then Dakota, Francis, and Glen started playing some violent shooting game and she didn't like the noise.

Austin winked at her and patted the spot next to him, instantly winning a tiny grin from her.

"OMG is that who I think it is?" Emerson's voice went up an octave. He watched her pop up on the screen when she sat down. Austin pulled her into his side and kissed her head. Hayes snuggled close to her eldest brother. She liked the feeling of being loved.

"Did you just say OMG?" Austin raised his eyebrows at the phone.

"Leave me alone, I'm excited. Hi Sunshine!" Emerson waved chaotically. "I'm Emerson. Totally your favorite brother, you just don't know that yet."

Hayes giggled. Austin was right, he was even more energetic than Glen and Francis put together. She hated to break his heart, but Glen would always be her favorite brother even if he did constantly annoy her. Second place was still available though!

"I think she likes me." Emerson stage-whispered to Austin.

"Or she thinks you're crazy." Austin teased.

"He's fucking psycho, Austin," Emerson's roommate yelled from somewhere in the background.

"Screw you Drew!" Emerson yelled back chucking a shoe at the door in an attempt to close it. "Ignore him, he's stupid." He told Hayes, rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, they're best friends." Austin assured Hayes, who looked amused and slightly concerned at Emerson's behavior.

"Some best friend he is. I'd trade him for a puppy in an instant." Emerson huffed.

Hayes glanced up at Austin, the words on the edge of her lips but not coming out. She'd like a puppy, too.

"Don't even think about it." Austin answered her unspoken question making her pout.  "Baker has a dog that you can play with anytime."

Hmm, she could live with that.

"Oh Chubba, that fat boy. Think Peyton will let me borrow him? I could use an emotional support animal." Emerson chimed in. Hayes didn't know who Peyton was, but she assumed Chubba was the dog. Cute name.

"Dude, you're never home. Who's going to take care of him?" Austin played along.

"Oh, yeah you're right. That sucks balls." Emerson grimaced before his face lit up again. "Hey! You know what's cool?" Emerson paused dramatically, "that she looks just like me. I've always wanted a mini-me. Franny doesn't count because he has short hair. But Hayes has long hair! And she basically has my namesake. Sonny, Sunshine, we're twins! But I'm older so you get to be jr., junior." He had a lot of chaotic energy. Hayes felt like she had whiplash.

"Wait until you see Glen." Austin said.


"Growing tall with blonde hair that rivals yours."

"You do look alike," Hayes agreed with Austin. It rang true for all of them since tallness and blonde lockes ran in the family. Well, excluding Hayes' height. A stranger would easily be able to tell that they were all the siblings. They must look like their father because their mother was a redhead, if Hayes remembered correctly. But if Emerson thought he and Hayes looked alike, he was going to be shook when he sees Glen.

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