"What's the worst thing you've been through.."

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"..this year?"

Honestly.. I guess it's watching the people I love break apart.. *looks down* two people who have been a big part of my life, have attempted suicide. I love them so much.. So so much.. And you know who you are..

This all happened within the span of 2 or 3 days.. And those were horrible days.. I was struggling to hold it together on the first one.. Then the second.. It kinda broke me.. I did everything in my power to bring them back.. And they are here.. But one of them is taking it hard.. And I just want the best for him. But I feel like I can't do that for him and- and.. It's painful. It's the worst feeling in the world.. (*gif*)

The other bad thing.. Which was horrible.. Was watching the person you're in love with.. Fall in love with someone else.. I'm half over it now.. But it is painful.. It's really painful. But I'm happy. I'm happy as long as he's happy.. *nods* that's all that matters.

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