ZeRoyalChaos- Never Too Late

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This world will never be what I expected...                                                                                                      And if I don't belong, who would've guessed it?

"Chilled? Where are you? CHILLED?" I felt tears gather up in my eyes, but I blinked them away. I had to be strong for Chilled.

I will not leave alone everything that I own                                                                                                             To make you fell like its not too late, its never too late

I searched all around the house, so I went to went to the only place I haven't looked. The bathroom.

Even if I say: It will be alright                                                                                                                               Still I hear you say you want to end your life

"CHILLED?" I burst through the locked door.

It took me a second to process the scene in front of me. He was curled up on the floor, surrounded by broken glass. I gulped and didnt bother to fight the tears. I croutched down and lifted Chilleds head on to my lap. Gently shaking him, I called his name. 

"Chilly? Can you hear me?" I whispered.

"He left... He left me..." His haunted chocolate eyes stared up at me.

"Im here okay? Dont worry. Everythings going to be fine, I promise." I attempted to smile as I shakily reassured him.

"I cant live with the pain. I want it to stop. I wanna die," Chilled clutched my shirt and whimpered.

I hugged the broken Italian closer.

Now and again we try to just stay alive

"Chilled, try to be strong for Smarty and I. We need you," I started crying. "Dont let Max do this to you!" 

Chilled stayed silent, but closed his eyes tighter.

Maybe we'll turn it around cause its not too late, its never too late

"Its not too late to move on! You cant let him have the satisfaction of doing this to you!" I yelled.

"Ze," Chilled murmered, looking up at me. "Thanks for being there."

I gave him a watery grin. "No problem Chilly,"

Chilled closed his eyes, leaning against me. "I cant believe I was so stupid."

Frowning, I defended him. "You're not stupid."

"I was stupid because I didnt realize it was you."

Chilled, my best friend and crush, sat up and kissed me.

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