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Daria jolted awake to blue eyes and a sweaty hand clasping hers.

Her dream had been less than pleasant. Percy probably didn't deserve to be snapped at like that, but that ring had gotten a little too much into Daria's head for comfort. That was the last thing she remembered, and it took her a few seconds to grab her barings.

Her eyes were incredibly dry, the effect of wearing contacts for multiple days straight. But even then, her vision shouldn't have been as blurry as it was. She knew it was Jason holding her hand, saying something to her, but alarm coursed through her body. What was wrong with her vision?

"I can't see," she gripped Jason's hand. "Jace, why can't I see?"

Jason was quiet for a few moments. "Do me a favor," his voice was low, like he'd either just woken up or hadn't gotten enough sleep. "Take out your contacts."


"Trust me," he urged. "You're all healed. We have some things to talk about."

She did as he asked, trusting him even though if he was wrong, she would be a deadweight for the rest of their journey. Instantly, her vision was perfectly clear. They were in a house, a familiar house. She had definitely seen this place somewhere and was about to ask Jason her one million questions until she looked at his face.

Uh oh.

His mouth was set in a firm line, jaw clenched. As soon as she made eye contact with him, he let go of her hand. Daria could tell he was trying, and failing, to stay calm by the way his nostrils flared. There was a thunder storm brewing, and Jason was a lightning rod.

They bickered, a show of annoyance and wit, and they did it often. The imminent fight wouldn't be that gentle, she knew. Once the first drop fell, the flooding was right behind.

"I told it not, my wrath did grow."

"Shut up."

"William Blake, if you were wondering."

He turned away. "Daria..."

"Say it," she said calmly. "Whatever you want to say, you should say it."

That was all the prodding he needed, and he turned on her, eyes blazing and unstoppable. "God, you're such an idiot!" He spat, uncharacteristic but not unheard of. "Do you know that? The danger you put yourself in?"

Daria matched his energy. She spoke in the sarcastic drawl she knew he detested. "Are you really about to yell at me for almost dying?" She also knew that her lip was slightly curled, like she found the situation amusing. She must be driving Jason insane.

Jason glared at her. Admittedly, she felt a little exhilarated when he did that; only because she knew him well enough not to be terrified. "You're ridiculously selfish," he snapped. "And this isn't funny. Can't you take anything seriously?"

She leapt to her feet, which was a poor decision on her part as she swayed a bit dizzily. Jason made no move to steady her. "Me!" She exclaimed. "I'm the one who can't take things seriously!"

"I'm not talking about cracking a joke!" He said. "I'm talking about your life! We're not at bootcamp. Monsters aren't going to stop if you get maimed."

She stared him in the eyes. "It's my life."

"Why are you so eager to die?" Now he was yelling, and that was kind of scary. "There were a million different options."

"Like what, Jason?" She fired back. "What? Was I just supposed to leave you there?"

"You have powers." He seethed. "But instead! You decided that you were as powerful as an army!"

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