Episode 4: Trevor the T-rex vs Dangersaurus

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'play intro music now'

"dinosaurs love 'em or hate 'em you can't deny the impact they've had on pop culture as ever since the early days of film dinosaurs have been a staple of science fiction and historic productions to the point they have a sub genre of film all to themselves" said shadow blank "and of course out of every dinosaur in existence one many have as a favourite is the Tyrannosaurus Rex, with its daunting size, powerful bite and iconic roar the T-Rex is without a doubt a famous figure in fiction and the Creatorverse is no stranger to the T-Rex appearing in one way or another and today we have two examples who will rough while boisterous and show boating on the outside inside hide a jealousy that can lead to them being as savage as the beast they're based on" said creator "Trevor the T-Rex the rival of Wily's Wonderworld's star mascot" said shadow blank "and Dangersaurus the cold blooded heel of the UWC" said creator "he's mr creator and I'm shadow blank" said shadow blank "and it's our job to go over the bios of these two characters to see who will win this creatorverse clash" said creator.

'end intro music now'


"welcome one and all to Wily's Wonderworld a paradise for men, women and that Technicolor rainbow in between of all ages where children can have fun, where adults can unwind and where of age teenagers can lose their V card, it has everything one could ask for of course being a place and franchise made by my darling little hell spawns how could it not" said shadow blank "well considering this is heavily inspired by Freddy Fazbear's I don't think it would last for very long" said creator as shadow blank gave him a death stare which startled him before turning his face back to normal "well too be fair some of the animatronics did try murdering a bunch of people so that they could see the possibility of seeing themselves in a theme park but its not their fault and besides the security team and other good animatronics stopped it from happening, it was a bitch to clean up but all worth it to rake in the monies!" said shadow blank "well I can see that, cause I have been there myself and I gotta say it's a very well kept establishment" said creator "well tha-ait a minute how did you go there in terms of the cosmology its in another universe to the one we live in" said shadow blank "Oshinari-sensei took me and my classmates there for some R&R it was lots of fun though Zombina did lose her head at one point but overall it was great" said creator "di- did ya find it?" said shadow blank "well yeah it was helpful when she started screaming for help" said creator "so that's why customers complained about screams of the damned, you owe me £750,000" said shadow blank "w-w-why!" said creator "because we got sued for half that amount after children got night terrors from your decomposing damsel" said shadow blank "alright fair enough 'pulls out the amount in cash and hands to him much to his surprise' anyway moving on" said creator "I'm f***ing sorry do you just carry obscene amounts of cash on you 24/7?" said shadow blank "yes, anyway with such an establishment specialising in all ages there are of course many mascots for people to flock to with each of them being made with a specific target audience in mind" said creator "for younger audiences we have the class act clowns, for rebellious teens that listen to my chemical romance and waste their parent's money piercing every part of their body we got Zoey Wolf's Emo Rock and for those who enjoy some classic westerns there's David Mannings hometown hoedown" said shadow blank "but for those who are into hard rock and heavy metal you got Trevor's Dino Party led by the papa bear himself Trevor the T-rex" said creator.

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