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There was a rustling as the slim figure that had been lying next to Chrollo shimmied into the closest piece of clothing they could find.

"'Pika? You're up already, it's only 6?" He said in a low voice hoarse from sleep.

"I already told you, don't fucking call me that," the other man snapped in response.

Chrollo pushed himself on to his elbows to get a better look at the mess on the smaller man's back, made exclusively by yours truly. He smiled to himself.

"Come on, babe, it's too early for you to be this mean to me," he whined, now tracing the bite and scratch marks with his fingertips, eager to feel the slight irritation of the skin left over from a job well done.

"Congrats, you somehow moved yourself even higher than top spot on my shitlist. Besides, I shouldn't even be here, you're just lucky you're not chained up where no one will ever find you."

"Is that an option for me?" He wiggled his eyebrows and hoped for some sort of blush from the blonde but was instead met with a pillow to the face. He laughed as it fell to the floor of the hotel room.

"Not funny."

"My bad."

Kurapika turned to him, looking him fully in the eyes for the first time that morning. A silence filled the small space between them, Chrollo waited a moment longer and when he was met with nothing but more quiet, he allowed his eyes to roam the other fully, taking in every precious detail of the man before him.

Chrollo knew this but looking at him now in the morning glow, he was able to see how beautiful Kurapika was. Smooth milky skin covered a deceivingly strong frame with smooth golden hair and a look of determination that would make even the strongest man waver. He was perfect. And there here was, sitting on the edge of the bed they had shared in Chrollo's underwear, it was all almost too good to be true.

"I hate you, you know," and there it was.

"Yes, I am aware. But I believe it was you who drunkenly decided to have me right there in the bar. You're lucky I got you to this room in time or you would have further sullied the Nostrade's good name," Chrollo pointed out, finally getting the blush he had been looking for. Red was a good color on the Kurta.

"I-... That's besides the point," Kurapika stammered. Admittedly, he remembered very little of his time at the bar. Flashes ran through his mind as he recalled some of his co-workers suggesting he go "loosen up", that and, well, an embarrassing amount of what happened after they arrived at the hotel together.

"Well then, would you be so kind as to letting me know what the point is then?" Chrollo said, a teasing grin on his face.

"I-, I hate you... so why..." he trailed off not sure how to put coherent words to the jumbled thoughts in his head, "why..."

"Why did it feel good? Why do you want to do it again? Why aren't you using this opportunity to kill me right now while I'm naked and defenceless? Why don't you want to kill me right now?" The taller man offered, "all valid questions that I'm not sure I can answer but I'll try my best."

Kurapika looked down, Chrollo sighed. The reality of the situation was finally hitting him, this wasn't a dream. He had just slept with the very man he had dedicated his entire life to destroying.

And he felt... conflicted.

Kurapika wanted to scream. So he did. He twisted and flopped face down onto his pillow and screamed.

Chrollo's eyes went wide at the sight in front of him. He was, to say the least, not expecting that. Tears maybe, punching, hitting, property damage, he was even prepared to run out of the room fully nude.

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