Day Thirty-Two

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*~*~* Cate *~*~*

I woke up to a house in meltdown. Raised voices, doors slamming, hysterical crying…

I made my way down to the kitchen to see all the women comforting Libby while all the men were trying to keep out of the chaos. I took out a bowl for cereal and stood at the counter, watching as Libby wailed about something and Mom reassuring her that everything was going to be ok.

I rinsed the bowl and spoon and set them on the side of the sink before turning to ask the men what was going on. It was only then that I noticed that TJ was standing with my dad and Sawyer, and David who had arrived from Boston yesterday. I shook my head at how easily TJ fitted in with the men and smiled at him when he caught my eye.

“What’s going on?” I ask David, thinking he’d be the one in the know seeing as it was his fiancée that was having a breakdown.

“I’m not a hundred percent sure,” David says with a nervous shrug. “One minute they were talking about your bridesmaids dresses and then she just flipped. Hormones.”

“Bridezilla more like it,” Sawyer muttered loudly. When David shot him a warning glare, Sawyer turned away and winked at me before explaining in greater detail. “Libby decided that she doesn’t like the original dresses for you and Anna, so now she’s having a ‘moment’ and crying as if it’s the end of the world, which clearly it isn’t.”

From the family room just beyond the kitchen, I heard Libby shout, “It is the end of the world!”

I wasn’t going to argue with Libby over the importance of the dresses, because let’s face it, I’m not that stupid to take on an unhinged, pregnant bride, but I agreed with Sawyer. It wasn’t the end of the world and it’d be pretty easy getting new dresses, even if it was only two weeks before the wedding.

In the past month, Libby, Mom and Vivian had practically organized the whole wedding down to the very last detail and there wasn’t much left to do, so finding bridesmaids dresses that were more to Libby’s taste wouldn’t be all that difficult.

“It’s more than just Anna and Cate’s dresses,” TJ announces, gaining my attention as he spoke. “She had her bridal fitting yesterday and the dress didn’t fit, so, yeah it is the end of the world.”

Yeah… that would be enough to send Libby over the cliff. Metaphorically speaking.

I stay with the men for a little longer as Sawyer starts planning David’s bachelor party, and from the sound of it all, it was going to go worse than The Hangover. He’d already been given a ‘sanctioned’ list of dos and don’ts from Libby, but Sawyer was still going to do the opposite of all that. David had tried to explain that his brother, Michael, was already planning the bachelor party, but Sawyer was undeterred. He was forging ahead at full speed with a weekend away in Vegas, and mentioned casinos and strip bars were on the agenda. Neither my father nor David looked impressed, but that wouldn’t stop Sawyer.

I kissed TJ quickly while everyone’s attention was on Sawyer, and then went to see what the women were now discussing. Libby had calmed down and was smiling as Vivian spoke, and from how Anna hung her head in horror, I knew the news wouldn’t go down well with me either.

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