A deal with the King of Hell himself

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It was a sad rainy day of the mother losing her un-born child, It was suppose to be her happiest year, but before she lost the baby, she had a fight with her boyfriend and thats when her boyfriend punched her stomach in anger and she would know at that time the baby was gone....forever. Few months later the mother had an idea but it wouldn't be the best idea, but she was so desperate. She followed the steps from her book to summon Lucifer also know as the "King of hell".

Rosa/mom:hello Lucifer *she looked at Lucifer with a sad but almost emotionless face*

Lucifer:long time no see my dear Rosa *he gave a sly grin at her*

Rosa:i want...to make a deal with you Lucifer

Lucifer:*had a confused but still smiling face* and what would be the pleasure for this deal?

Rosa:i want you to revive my un-born baby....por favor/please

Lucifer:hmm you do know the cost of the deal right?

Rosa:*sighs* yes but please anything for this deal

Lucifer:Lucifers smile widens a bit* alright but for you it will be a small cost

Rosa:thank you Lucifer *gets on the ground and bows very low*

Rosa and Lucifer shakes hands and Rosa felt a kick in her stomach and she was so happy of it.
Rosa:*tears up* Thank you...some much Lucifer

Lucifer:*nods* you will find out of the small price when your child arrives *disappears in flames*

a month later Vaggie was born but one thing was missing. Her left eye.

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