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february 13th.

you finally get to see who i am tomorrow.

should he be excited for this ? honestly, after that one note, meeting his admirer really didn't cross him mind, and once again, he knew he wasn't going to return their feelings so what was the point ?

he didn't really know how to feel about it. he's never been in this situation before.

"i-i just asked goshiki to the dance and he said yes." shirabu was sitting at his respective desk, finishing the last few assignments he had when taichi bursted into their room, ears and face pink as he paced back and forth.

shirabu fake-gagged before going back to writing.

"don't you remember our deal ?" shirabu closed his eyes, the pencil releasing from his hold. he was really wishing taichi forgot about that, hell he forgot about that.

shirabu turned to see his bestfriend leaning up against the wall with a smirk on his face, but the sight of his still pink cheeks and ears made shirabu burst out laughing.

"oh- oh my god i cant take you seriously."

"will you take me seriously when i tell semi about how in love you are with him ?" shirabu instantly stopped laughing, a glare taking over his face.

"you wouldn't"

"oh but i would."


shirabu ended up convicting taichi that was he gonna confess tomorrow— which he wasn't.

the two had already walked to the gym to set up the last few decorations. he was glad that today was the last day for decorating, but that means no practice for the volleyball players, and he knows taichi's gonna's drag him with them, wherever they go. it's like he was apart of the volleyball team.

in the mist of blowing up a plain red balloon, satori came with his creepy smile and plopped right beside shirabu. his palm on his chin, supporting his head up. paying him no attention, shirabu shifted his gaze to the floor.

"so~ do you have a date to the dance tomorrow ?"

"who says i'm even going to that crap ?"

"taichi's forcing you either way, now do you have a date~" satori wiggled his red eyebrows staring at the copper-head who was now, tying the balloon.

"isn't the answer quite obvious ?" a sigh escaping his lips. he wasn't upset over not having a date, he was just growing annoyed with this stupid conversation.

"what about your admirer ? you're not going with them ?" shirabu shook his head, standing up and stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"i'm going to the bathroom."

after taking care of his business and washing his hands. he stared at his reflection in the mirror. another sigh slipped from his lips.

maybe semi would ask him to the dance, and they'd awkwardly dance like middle schoolers, and maybe just maybe kis—

shirabu glared at his reflection after realizing where his mind wandered off to. he was sure semi already got asked by a girl who was more beautiful in ways shirabu could never be.

shirabu walked back to the gym and immediately wished he could just run away. there he was, with a girl. her cheeks flushed as she nervously fiddled with the box of chocolate in her hand. after blinking a few times, he turned away to focus on literally anything other than them two.

his eyes landed on goshiki and taichi who were currently talking in a corner— well more so, goshiki was talking taichi's ear off, like he always does. internally gagging, he walked over to the long table that was gonna be used for snacks and drinks, but currently had nothing but decorations.

he fiddled with the rose petal's ignoring the new background noise which was satori and his awful singing.

he's never really felt like this before, well jealous ? yes. lonely ? not so much. yeah he's never had a significant other but he always had taichi, but he was busy putting his lips on a brat. clearly he didn't like this feeling and he just wanted to shrivel up.

"short-ra-bu ! over here." shirabu turned around to see the face he didn't wanna see at the moment. he was 90% sure he said yes to that girl's confession and seeing his face would make him think of that.

but nonetheless, he walked over to the ash blonde who had a wide smile on his face.

"what do you want semi-san ?" his smile faded and a pout took over his lips.

"god, did you not get enough sleep last night ? is that why the wittle baby is grumpy." shirabu glared at the boy.

"anyway ! i was gonna ask if you're going to the dance tomorrow."

"i guess i am, i do not wanna see these sappy couples though." he'd rather be alone in his dorm doing homework then going to that stupid dance alone. he would rather do anything, than see semi dancing with another person.

"so if someone asked you to go with them, you would say no ?" shirabu looked up, squinting his eyes at semi. what's with all these questions all of a sudden ?

thinking quick, semi tried to play it off. "i'm just asking ya know ! what if your admirer asks."

"i would probably say no."

- this was a terrible ass filler chapter but a bitch is literally half asleep.
- most likely gonna re-write this in the morning.
- lowkey starting to hate this book😏

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