Chapter Thirteen: We're not made to do the right thing

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The four of us always know exactly what to say to each other. It doesn't matter what the case is, we know each other so well we don't even have to think about it. But this morning it's different. It's quiet.

After I completely broke down and cried for hours straight, I eventually fell asleep, so that means I haven't talked to them about what was going on. Though I'm sure they know, it's obvious.

As if he can read my thoughts, Jonah clears his throat and starts talking with a soft and careful voice. "Liz, we have to talk about what happened last night. You literally broke down after Corbyn dropped you off, and I'm guessing it's not because your plan isn't working. It looks like it's working too well."

I sigh deeply, with my head in hands. "Guys, I know what it must have looked like, but it was just a weak moment. I promise from now on, I'll be able to control my emotions."

"Liz, you can't just ignore what you're feeling. We saw you, screaming and sobbing about him, and it broke our heart," Zach whispered.

"Don't you understand I have no other choice than ignoring what I feel? I'm literally breaking my own heart through falling for someone who's gonna hate me in a couple of weeks," I snap, trying to fight back tears.

"We've told you this before. You can't control your heart, Liz, it feels whatever it wants."

"That might be true, but like I said, I have no other choice. My weak, stupid heart is gonna listen to me when I say I'm gonna end up getting hurt. For God's sake, I'm already hurt." I wipe away a tear that somehow escaped.

I take a deep breath again. "We're still here to fulfill a mission, not to fall in love with stupid boys. You guys trusted me to lead us through this all, so I'm not screwing this up. It's gonna hurt being with Corbyn, but it's not gonna matter anymore in a few weeks. Then we'll have freed our people."

"Just know we would understand if you'd wanna back out. We can still choose the right thing," Jonah oppered carefully.

I give him a warning look. "Jo, you know we're not made to do the right thing, we were born this way. We will get the code, we will destroy the dome and we will make sure the rich people don't have all the privileges anymore. We have to. For our people."

All their eyes get sad for a moment, and I feel my own heart aching as well. "Guys, I know this is hard. Everybody's nice to us, and treats us right, so you feel guilty for betraying them. But remember these people are lying in our faces, talking shit about us behind our backs, and still thinking garbage of us. We can't get manipulated by them, we're the ones in charge. Don't forget that."

"It's just hard wanting to trust people, but not being able." Christina sighed.

"I know, and I feel the same. All I wanna do is open up to Corbyn about how I feel, but I can't." I try smiling, but it's not exactly working.

"No matter what happens next, we'll always have each other. That's the only thing that matters." Zach takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze.

"You're right. Together we can get through everything." I smile again, but now genuinely.

Suddenly I hear a knock on our door. Christina and I give each other a confused look, we weren't expecting anyone.

I look over to the door, open it slowly, and see Corbyn. An instant smile appears on my face.

"Any chance you maybe wanna skip class today and go have some fun?" he asked with an even bigger smile. "Or did you become too well behaved to do that stuff?"

"No, I still got it. Bring on the fun." I know I should probably take some distance from him to protect my heart, but I still have a mission to fulfill. And I just can't stay away from him.

"Well, let's go then." He takes my hand and drags me out of my room, barely giving me the chance to grab my coat and bag. I quickly look at Christina, as she mouths something to me.

Don't break your own heart.

Too late.

𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐘 ~ 𝒄𝒎𝒃Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora