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People push others to strive
To do their best
And to succeed
But other people are quite the opposite
People push others away
To save themselves
They don't want to feel like a burden
They don't want to feel like they annoy
They don't want others to go
They may give that push
But they want them to fight and stay
And stay up that extra minute
And make it seem like they are not the
Monster they make themselves
Out to be
They don't want to destroy
They don't want everything to crumble
They want to feel like they are wanted
Like they are needed
Like they actually make a difference
Like their life matters
Like they aren't trapped
In a small thorn like world
With no light ahead
Like there is something to hold onto
So that they don't have to let go and fall
So they can hold on and make that extra minute and hold on another day
They want to be
No questions as to why they are
The way they are
And to be accepted
Accepted for feeling all of these things
And helping them make themselves
Feel better and feel like they have
A future
A will
An ever lasting hope
They want all of these things
So when they give that push
To protect themselves
You cut down those thorns with love
And care and you find
That beautiful white rose that is trapped underneath

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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