When they find out you're being bullied ~Pt. 3~

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Last time I did the Sword Flames. Now it's on to the rest of the beyblade characters! LEZ GO!!!!

☀️ Zac the Sunshine/ Zachary Kaneguro ☀️

 - "tHiS mEaNs wAr!!!"

 (A/N : I have no idea for his quote-)

- He's screeching into his microphone out of pure rage

- Orochi patches up your cuts/bruises 

- He does a little mini concert with his band to cheer you up

- He's gonna use the power of his fangirls to attack/kill the guy who hurt you

💖 Akira Yamatoga 💖

- "Imma backflip the life out of that guy!"

 (A/N : This is all I could think of, please don't come at me-)

- He's fighting the urge to throw a table or a lamp at the wall

- He covers up the scars you got with a Med kit

- Does a few back flip tricks to cheer you up

- The Super Stars ( Zac's Band ) has to convince him not to slap the guys face, like, 40 times

🎵 Orochi Ginba 🎵

- "I'm gonna shove headphones on his ears and give him an ear rape."


- Bandages your wounds like the responsible person he is

- Akira makes you a bit of cotton candy to lift your mood

( A/N : Akira is so sweet with his cute little pink hair and his adorable personality! Shoot, help me my simping side is coming out-)

- While you're eating cotton candy, Orochi is busy making a playlist that can give a person an ear rape for months

 🛰 Naoki Minamo 🛰

- "Don't worry! I'll hack his computer and make it unusable for a week!"

- He got a hold of the situation in a matter of seconds 

( A/N : I wish I was that smart, I'm operating on like 7 or 8 brain cells-)

- Patches up your scars like a good big brother 

- Jin does a little future seeing to entertain you (Even though Naoki doesn't believe in that stuff)

- While you're distracted, he's searching for the person's email address to plant a virus on their account 

👻 Jin Aizawa 👻   (A/N : *cough**cough* Shota Aizawa *cough*)

- " I shall have my spirits haunt him for ages to come! "

- He was panicking for a bit, but then his first aid lessons from Naoki kicked in 

(Note : He was actually paying attention that time because he thought it might come in handy)

- Visits Naoki at 2 am cause all of you are insomniacs 

(A/N : yes, even you, who happens to be a child in this head cannon-)

- Naoki teaches you a few things like how to divide decimals, which you manage to learn quickly, despite you only being a 7 year old 

( A/N : At least you pay attention to Naoki's lessons unlike your brother) 

- While you're learning how to divide decimals, he looking for his death note in his backpack 


Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, my relatives have been sending me quite a lot of presents and letters and my mom wants me to write replies by hand. My hands feel like their gonna fall off-

Welp, tomorrow I'm gonna be swimming in our personal swimming pool so I might not be able to post.

Anyway, I hope you have a happy new year that is approaching! ❤️ 🎆 ❤️

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