~𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 9~

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I wasn't falling anymore. I was... floating? How is that even possible-

Someone was carrying me bride-style in the fucking air. I looked down to see the person who stopped me from falling. His face was familiar... Isn't he Dazai's partner? What was his name again? Chuuya? Yeah, that must be it.

"Uhh could you explain how are you FLOATING?" I said screaming so he could hear me. I don't want him to avoid the question.

"So that idiot Dazai didn't tell you huh?"

"Tell me what exactly?"

"Do you think I'm doing a magic trick for a show or something? Not anyone can just float you know. I have powers."

"So... Are you special?"

"No. Dazai has powers too along with many people from the port mafia or other people and organizations."

"Dazai had powers? Why didn't he tell me?"

"Probably to keep you away from danger. That jerk wanted a suicide partner so badly. He even asked me to find him a pretty woman willing to kill herself."

"Speaking of Dazai... ISN'T HE FALLING?"

"Odasaku is taking care of it. Meanwhile, we'll go somewhere else."

"Huh? What are y-"

He gripped my legs and back.

"Girlie hold still." He said and flew away from the building.

I can't believe I'm flying. What the hell is happening? Where is Dazai?

Chuuya landed on a dark, narrow alley. Okay, now I'm getting scared... But, we're not alone. A neither tall neither short man came out of the shadows. His hair was black with white tips on its end and he was wearing a long dark black coat. This guy was really intimidating...

"This is Akutagawa. Akutagawa this is y/n." Chuuya cut the tension.

"Yeah whatever."

"Hey! Why are you so rude?"

"I don't want to waste my breath on useless human beings like you." He said with a hacking cough. Seems like he has a problem with his throat.

"Why is a worthless little girl like her going to live with me? Can't she live with you or something like that?"

"WHAT?" What is happening here?

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention that. Y/n you'll be living with Akutagawa from now on." Chuuya said with a serious facial expression.

"Excuse me. Why?"

"I'm pretty sure that Dazai manipulated you into committing suicide with him."

"No, he didn't."

"That's what anyone manipulated in your place would say right now."

He had a point... I didn't know what to reply. I wasn't actually sure if he had done all of those good things to me just to get me to trust him.

"Fine. I'll go live in Akutagawa's."

"I wish you'd said no but I already made an agreement."

"Why do I have to stay in his place though?"

"If you went to mine Dazai would immediately find you since we're partners dumbass."

"Oh right." I said, not pushing on the conversation.

"Follow me." the guy named Akutagawa said and I had no choice but to do so.

I followed him through the dark alleys. Where was this man living anyways? Gosh these alleys are giving me shivers...

"We're here." he said and he showed me a somewhat small apartment building.

It had only three floors. Akutagawa's apartment seemed to be in the third one since we had already surpassed the other two floors while going up the stairs.

He opened the door and revealed his house. It was what you could call a gothic house. Everying was black with skull decoration.

"Wow it's so pretty and... creepy."

"Thanks. The skulls are real."

"Wait what? Are you for real?"


Okay now that's horrifying. Dazai was in the port mafia too but his house wasn't so ...uhhh... creepy. Is he going to add my head in his apartment's decor? I hope not.

"U-uhh should I apply for a job?"

"No. I assassinate enough people to be able to afford this place and the food."

"Oh okay."

This guy isn't joking. He's completely serious. Is killing the only thing he ever does?

"I'm going to sleep now. You can sleep on the couch or even the floor I couldn't care less."

"Okay. Goodnight."

He left and closed the door behind him without saying goodnight. This man is colder than ice and creepy as hell.

I made myself comfortable on the couch. At least this couch is actually comfortable, even if he bought it by killing people.

I would've been dead with Dazai by now. Why did they have to butt in? All this happened and I can't understand why...

Soon, my eyes started slowly closing. These hours were pretty tiring. I wonder what is Dazai doing right now.
I don't think Odasaku would have let him die like that. I hope he's safe.

𝘚𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘭 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦 (Dazai Osamu X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now