Chapter 19

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And here's my Christmas-themed chapter!
I'm sorry but you'll have to wait for next chapter to see how it goes with Madison... I hope you enjoy this one for now!
Merry Christmas everyone! <3

P.S. when they talk about whiskey, remember that in 1791 there was the 'Whiskey Rebellion' and it basically happened because of Hamilton's whiskey tax.


Dear Thomas, despite being very shocked by my last discovery, the honesty of your letter made me inclined to meet with you and your friend as soon as possible. I can imagine why you decided to hold such a secret from me, but I'll need an explanation from both of you – I remind you, Thomas, that we've discovered a very grave piece of news about him and I can't turn a blind eye on it. I am sorry to say that I'll be quite busy for the following days. Therefore, I invite you – and your friend – to my house for the traditional ball I host for New Year's eve. We can talk about our business after dinner, if this arrangement is comfortable for you. James

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he read the content of James's brief note. A couple of days before, he'd sent him a long letter trying to explain the circumstances of his relationship with Hamilton, without making names or details explicit – they couldn't risk to write everything down, so he'd asked Madison to meet face to face in order to explain everything to him; fortunately, James seemed to have accepted his olive branch.

"Alexander," Thomas called the man who was sitting next to the fire, deeply absorbed in a book.

He didn't even notice Thomas coming next to him.


"What?!" He jumped on the spot. "When did you get here?"

"I came back, like, twenty minutes ago – you even said 'hi' to me."

"Oh well, I didn't notice." Alex beamed at him and Thomas forgot about everything for a moment. "Is that a letter from Madison?"

"Oh, right." Thomas gave him the paper and sat next to him, placing one arm around Alexander's shoulders and smiling when the latter automatically leaned his head on Thomas's chest, his sharp eyes quickly scanning the note.

"That's great! Not only we're not going to jail, but we're also invited to a party!"

"I love your optimism, but if James isn't completely happy with our explanation, we'll have a very horrible New Year's party. You know that, right?"

"We'll talk him through it." He winked. "Aren't we the best speakers of the whole freaking country?"

"I guess you have a point." Thomas smiled at his partner's good mood. "You seem happy."

"Why, I'm surrounded by thousands of books, I can eat ice cream every night and I have a beautiful boyfriend I can make fun of," he joked, "and tomorrow's Christmas!"

"Did you just say I'm your boyfriend?"

"Who said it is you?"

"Well, you said 'beautiful', didn't you?"

Alexander laughed and threw the crumpled note at Thomas, who dodged it and blocked his arms with a hug, still waiting for an answer. When Alexander refused to speak up, Thomas started tickling him mercilessly, nimbly avoiding a punch and a couple of kicks from a very belligerent Hamilton.

"OK, I'll talk," he eventually cried, laughing breathlessly and raising his hands in surrender. "Yeah, I called you my boyfriend, whichever name should I use to define us?"

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