I'm an alicorn?!?!?

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Oceansurf's P.O.V.
Something started to happen to me. I felt something on my back appear, they were wings! When the light faded Skyler gasped a yelled "Get Oceansurf in the cage. NOW!!!!!" I ran as fast as I could, but then I realized that I have alicorn magic. I blasted Skyler's guards a flew right I front of her, "Well, well, well Princess, I see you have really good powers, but not enough to defeat me!!" Then she blasted me and everything went black.
Cadances P.O.V.
I saw my little girl turn into an alicorn, I did the only thing I could think of , I made a glass floor under Shining Armour and I. Then I flew into the air and blasted Skyler into the nearest cage. I ran strait over to the cage that Oceansurf was in, unlocked it and brought her home.
Oceansurf's (P.O.V.)
I woke up at home, no pony was upstairs, so I went downstairs and looked into the kitchen to see mom and dad at the table. "So, you got a good sleep?" Daddy asked. I said "ya, but I don't know what happened last night." Mom said "look on your back." So I turned my head so I could see, WINGS!?!?!? "I'm an alicorn?" I asked. "Yes you are." Said mom. "Tomorrow Celestia is planing a couranation for you. It will be in the morning." Said mom. I could hardly contain my exitment! I was going to be a true princess!
"I, princess Celestia am pleased to announce, Cadence's daughter Oceansurf is the newest alicorn!" Said Celestia. Twilight turned to me and gave me my crown. It's official I'm an alicorn princess like my mom. So this is the life of a princess.
Well that's the end of this story, but I'm going to make a sequel called "The Princess Life" I hope you check out Yumm44 , TacosWithCheese232 , icecreamsandwitch209 ! They have good books. I'm making a new book called Aria's future. Aria is from My Little Pony Rainbow Rocks! Well Bye!!!!!!!!😀

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