Tucked in

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"Hey baby how was Ice Cream with Lorenzo"

I asked my little girl as she and my third eldest son Lorenzo came walking into the living room hand in hand. My wife and children were all in the living room watching a movie when they showed up. She raised her hand pointing her little finger at me and said

"My nwame is Pwincess Dwaisy"

And walked off to go upstairs presumingly to her room. I gave Enzo a confused look as did everyone else in the room. He sighed while smacking himself on the forehead and said

"It's a long story"

Before walking off to go upstairs as well. My wife, children and I gave each other confused looks before shrugging our shoulders and going back to watching the movie. What show is this even like who watches this corney S*. I want to watch a horror movie but sadly some of my children cough* Cough* Lorenzo, Xavier and Carlo Cough* Cough* are scared of horror movies so we can't watch them when they are around and obviously not when my little bambina is around cause I don't want her having nightmares and being spooked out and I did not want to see my little princess scared.

( Little did he know that upstairs his little princess was planning to watch horror movies with her fifth eldest brother tomorrow night)

"How was your day Princess"

I asked as my wife set Cameron down in her High chair. She smiled her toothy grin at me and said

"Twis Was gweat dwaddy"

Before she stuffed a big mouthful of potatoes in her mouth.

"Small bites baby, Small bites!"

My wife warned her as she gave her daughter 'The Look'

"The last thing we need right now is for you to die choking on your food"

She muttered under her break just loud enough for me to be able to hear it. I mean she is not wrong there is a lot of stuff going on but even if there was not that does not mean that we would then want her to choke on her food. She is so very precious, She has each and every one of us wrapped around her cute pudgy little fingers and she doesn't even know it-I am cut out of my day dreaming or thoughts...whatever you want to call it when Cameron started to bash her spoon and fork on her table, cup and plate. Thank the Heaven's they were plastic, that would have been a gong-show to clean up. She was making her own music, the child is obsessed with music just like her mother. I was sucked into a memory from my past


"Come on Liam"

My sister yelled as she ran for the school's exit. Finally it was Summer break. I was about to run after her when I heard this amazing sound. I followed the sound to the music room. There was a girl sitting at the Piano playing away. I could not see her face since her back was facing me but she had curly raven black hair that bounced whenever she moved her arms. I stood there mesmerized by her when all of a sudden my foot got caught on a wire and I fell. Making a loud noise. The piano stopped and when I looked up I was face to face with the brightest pair of Emerald Green eyes that I have ever seen.


I said as I gave her my signature smirk. She rolled her eyes with a scowl on her face as she watched me stand up.

"Uh, Tha-That was you playing right"

I said but then internally smacked my forehead thinking 'of course it was I literally saw her playing'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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