Meeting and Leaving · Pt 7

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3rd POV
A few minutes passed, the other 6 continued talking as Hinata watched for the entrance. A few people can in in a group, but there was someone familiar who came in right after who for some reason caught Hinatas attention. The person walked in and looked around, trying not to make it obvious. After a few seconds of scanning the room the guy and Hinata locked eye contact with each other. That's when he knew who the unknown person was.
When Hinata saw the person he was surprised but he wasn't at the same time, what he didn't get was why he decided to stay unknown til now. Iwaizumi(yes some of you guessed correctly) made his way towards the table Hinata was seated at. Tendou and Ushijima seemed to have noticed this as they looked at each other and nodded.
Hinata hopped off Tendous lap and back onto his seat as Iwaizumi reached the table. "uh hey, do you guys mind if I talk to Hinata?" he said, somewhat nervous. "sure thats ok, go ahead Hinata" Kiyoko said.
Because of his legs still somewhat weak from the night before he struggled a little standing up. Iwaizumi seemed to notice this and reached out to help him, only to receive a glare from Ushijima. Hinata accepted the help and they walked outside to sit on a bench close by. As they walked Hinata tried his best not to limp, but Iwaizumi still noticed it a bit. When they sat down it was quiet for a few minutes til Hinata spoke up.
"So why didn't you just tell me it was you?"
Iwaizumi looked at him for a second then answered hesitantly. "I wasn't sure if you'd confront them or not, and at the time I didn't want Oikawa knowing that I knew. If you confronted them he'd figure out that I knew about it too." he looked away as he said it not knowing what else to say. He wasn't even sure why he asked Hinata to talk. He just felt like he had to for some reason.
"Why didn't you want him to know you knew...?" Hinata was a bit hesitant about asking, he knew it wasn't really his business but he wanted to know. Iwaizumi sighs and leans back against the bench getting somewhat comfortable as Hinata does the same.
"Because I still love him, I guess? I mean I know I'm not the best to him but still I try. If he knows I know we'll only drift further away then we are. I know it probably sounds stupid. We've known each other since we were kids and I'd hate to let all those years just go to waste..."
"It's not stupid, and I get it. But you can't just continue to avoid the issue, you still have to talk to him about it eventually. The sooner the better because the longer you let this continue the more it'll hurt later on." Hinata said giving Iwaizumi a soft sad smile, and Iwaizumi did the same. Iwaizumi felt a little better after finally being able to tell someone about his feelings at least a litte. Also even though Hinata's response was simple, and something almost anyone would say, coming from Hinata, he felt a little better. Hinata just had that type of affect on people whether he tried or not. "Yeah... what about you and Kageyama..?"
Hinatas smile slowly faded as a couple of tears began to form. "... he doesn't love me anymore so I don't see the point in it to be honest..." "how do you know that?"
Hinata pulled out his phone and went to the recording. He handed to Iwaizumi who played the recording and listened. "... isn't that your team? that's messed up.."
"Not anymore. I transferred, they still don't know it yet. I plan on surprising them next week and officially break up with him soon" Hinata smirked as he imagined their reactions, seeing the little crow who helped them fly again become an eagle on an enemy team. "ha good luck then. let me guess, Shiratorizawa?"
"yup. I'm sharing a dorm with Ushijima and Tendou" Hinata said as a small blush formed on his cheeks. "I can tell" Iwaizumi chuckled thinking about how he saw Hinata on Tendous lap, then seeing him limp around, and the glare he earned from Ushijima. It was kind of obvious something happened. Hinata blushed and hid his face and Iwaizumi laughed at his reaction, not knowing a certain someone just happened to pass by at that very moment. To anyone else people might've assumed they were a couple or something from the looks of it. This did not make the certain someone happy as Hinata saw a hand getting ready to slap him from the corner of his eyes. He flinched but was confused when nothing happened til he heard Iwaizumi yell "what the fuck!?". Hinata looked up to see Tendou standing there holding Oikawas wrist. Apparently Tendou and Ushijima had been keeping an eye on them from a distance. Tendou started to walk towards them at a somewhat quick pace as he saw Oikawa storming over to the two talking on the bench. Luckily Tendou got there just on time to stop Oikawa with Ushijima following not far behind.
"Let go of me!" Oikawa yelled as he struggled to pull from Tendous grip. "ahh you see I would but that shit you just tried did not mke me very happy" Tendou hissed at Oikawa and gripped a little tighter causing Oikawa to flinch a little. Iwaizumi and Hinata stared unsure of what to do in the current situation. The aurora surrounding the two Shiratorizawa third years was dark and somewhat scared Hinata and Oikawa, also making Iwaizumi nervous. "T-tendou.. U-ushijima san It's fine please calm d-down" Hinata managed to say nervously. Tendou looked over at the boy who had scooted back a bit looking nervous. Tendou let go of Oikawas wrist and leaned over to whisper in Oikawas ear. "Next time you try something like that, there won't be a Hinata to help you out" he grinned and looked over at Ushijima who nodded. As they walked around to get to Hinata Ushijima pushed Oikawa into Iwaizumi who was now standing up with an angry look on his face. "What the hell was that Oikawa!?" Iwaizumi shouted. Oikawa didn't reply, he just looked away avoiding eye contact and crossed his arms. "Sorry about that Hinata, good luck, bye." Iwaizumi said before walking away. "Oikawa we are leaving now". He didn't move, instead he stood there finally making eye contact. "Toru, now. We have some things we need to talk about..." upon hearing his first name he knew it was serious and hesitantly followed slowly behind and walked away.
"Are you ok Shoyo?" Ushijima asked after the other two were gone. "Yeah I'm ok, thanks guys" Hinata smiled softly at them and hugged Ushijima then Tendou. While hugging Tendou he said "please don't do that again, it was kinda scary". "hehe that was the point, sorry if I scared you though Sho" he replied making a fake pouty face.
After a few minutes they left and headed back towards the dorm.
It was a long day and Hinata was tired so decided he'd take a shower first. "ooh~ we join~?" Tendou said as he and Ushijima smirked as Hinatas face grew red. "N-no!" "aww please~"
Hinata stood there for a second flustered and thinking. "f-fine! but don't try anything! I'm tired" He said looking away and walking towards the bathroom. The two third years quickly got up and followed behind as Ushijima said "no promises".
They undressed and got into the shower, Hinata still flustered. "hehe no need to be so flustered Sho~ its not like we haven't seen you naked before"
A bit of smut warning 🔞
"he has a point" Ushijima said behind the smaller one and wrapped his arms around him pulling him closer to him. "h-huh?"
The small tangerine was now as red as Tendous hair as Tendou bent down to kiss Hinata. It was sweet at first but quickly changed more heated as Tendou lightly licked Hinata's bottom lip asking for entrance which was granted quickly. Meanwhile Ushijima leaned down and began to kiss and suck Hinata's neck, finding his sweet spot in a few tries as Hinata moaned into the kiss making Ushijima smirk as he continued to abuse that spot, making a hickey that would surely last a few days. Tendou separated his lips from Hinata's as he got down more now holding Hinata's member in his hand and began palming it a Hinata moaned, which was soon muffled as Ushijima turned the boy around a bit and pulled him into a heated kiss.
Lets just say his ability to walk the next day went ♿
smut scene over 🚫
Hinata passed out in Ushijima's arms after they were finished, so they finished cleaning him, and themselves off before getting out and heading to bed, not even bothering to get dressed.
3rd POV, w/ Iwaizumi and Oikawa
(this parts kinda sad, just a heads up :( )
The walk was silent after they left. Neither of them spoke, they didn't know what to say. It was silent til they got to Iwaizumi's house. When they got inside and sat down things were quiet for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry..." Oikawa mumbled
"For what?" Iwaizumi said, not sure if Oikawa was apologizing for trying to hit Hinata, for cheating on him, or both. "For what happened by the cafe..." "... is that all your sorry for?" Iwaizumi asked, not being able to look at Oikawa at the moment. He waited for a response but it remained silent. "I know..." Iwaizumi finally admitted. The truth is he'd known for about a month, but never wanted to say anything about it afraid of losing him. Oikawa froze as he sat there not knowing what to say. He knew exactly what he was talking about. Tears began to fall from guilt "o-oh..." ... "why? was I just not enough for you? did I fuck up somewhere!?" "no that's not-"
"then FUCKING WHY!? I know I wasn't the best boyfriend but I was trying and you knew that! You wanna know why I wouldn't hang out with you?? Why I chose to study instead?? Because I was trying to work hard so that I could be there to help you in the future! I just wanted to be able to do something to help and stay there for you in the future. Be someone you could lean on" "I-I... I-m so s-sorry..." at this point they were both crying. "and with Kageyama? Seriously? Not to mention he still had a boyfriend. Did either of you consider how me OR Hinata would feel about this??" "S-sometimes I did...". "I don't know I might've done something to deserve this but Hinata didn't, you need to apologize to him too. And for trying to hit him" Iwaizumi said telling him to, not asking. "o-ok..."
Things went back to being silent for the next few minutes as both sat there lost in thought, even though it felt like hours in the moment. Finally Iwaizumi spoke up. "W-we should break up... go back to being friends. It's probably what's best for now...". You could hear the hurt in his voice as well as see Oikawas heart shatter as he realized just how bad he screwed up. Not only for him but for Hinata, possibly Kageyama, and worst of all Iwaizumi, his Iwa~chan, the one he promised to be there for and love no matter what. Yet here they were. "... o-oh.. ok i-iwa-chan.."
"Can I ask for one favor though before you go?" Iwaizumi asked still not making eye contact. "sure.."
"... can I hold you... just for the last time as a boyfriend... ?"
This shocked Oikawa but he needed this too so he quietly agreed as he walked over to the couch his soon to be ex was sitting on and sat down next to him. Iwaizumi wrapped his arms around him and they both laid down silently as tears continued to creep down their faces. This would be the last time they would have a moment like this.
At least for a while.
2067 words
Sorry for any mistakes I may have made!
I'm sorry it took a while for me to publish this. To be honest I don't really have an excuse. I was just "lazy" I guess? Anywayss hope you guys/girls/others enjoyed and have a good day/night! ✨❤

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