New Opportunity · Pt 8

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So before I start this, I realize I'd been saying nationals the whole time, but what I really mean is the spring interhigh qualifiers, Karasuno vs. Shiratorizawa (the game after Aoba Johsai vs. Karasuno). Sorry if it confused anyone, that was my mistake.
Also in this, Hinata and a few others from Karasuno have already met some of the Shiratorizawa team, but not all.
- Also I've re-named the chapters & changed the cover photo :)
Hinata's first day began at Shiratorizawa and Ushijima, as captain, introduced him to the team. After the team introduced themselves(except the people he already knew) they began practice. Though Hinata had to do some extra stuff in order to show what he could do. With the help of the others, he got better at his receives and serves, the ones who helped him each helping him get better at something different.
After a few days he grew pretty close with the team, as well as got better and more confident in his volleyball abilities. As he stood with his new friends and team, he was positive by the time spring interhigh began, they would win. Of course, if Karasuno made it far enough to play against them. He wanted them to lose for the hurt they caused him, but not against some other team. He wanted to be the one to beat them. To show them what they could've been and what they lost.

Not only would they lose a chance at nationals, but a friend who would've been there for them no matter what. Who would pick them over himself any day. But they messed that up the minute they decided to stab him in the back.

By the time he transferred, the interhigh was a week away, the coach was considering not putting Hinata in the game, since he thought he'd need more time getting used to things. However Hinata and the team adjusted to each other quickly and in just a couple of days could play together as if he's been there for months. Though it took a while to do and lots of practice, him and Shirabu even successfully managed to do a minus tempo quick attack themselves. Though it was changed up a bit so that it would be more difficult for Karasuno to block. Of course, Hinata and Shirabu may never have the same bond him and Kageyama had, but they managed to figure it out.
Tendou taught Hinata some more about blocking while Ushijima helped with his receives. Sometimes while helping him Tendou liked to tease him.
"Hey Sho~ I'll give you all the answers on your homework tonight if you can high five me" Tendou told the smaller as he raised his arm straight up. "Oh alright" just as he was getting ready to jump Tendou added "without jumping". The younger narrowed his eyes at the taller and began to pout. Then Ushijima came up behind him and picked him up, as he was up high enough to reach, he high fived his hand before Tendou could move it.
Hinata got an 100 on his homework the next day.

Him and Goshiki often had small competitions on things like who could spike the most volleyballs in 5 minutes, or clean up the fastest. Overall things were going good for Hinata. His bond with the team grew closer along with his bond with Ushijima and Tendou.
Since Hinata hasn't officially broken up with Kageyama yet, since he was currently ignoring him due to "family reasons", he hasn't officially gotten together with the 2 third years. He wanted to, but wasn't sure if they wanted to. Thoughts of the words of his past team just lead him to think why would they want someone like me? And he thought that regardless of the few times they did it and the cuddles/kisses. He just couldn't bring himself to believe it was true.
Little did he know, the second Hinata officially broke things off with Kageyama, they planned to claim him as theirs and make it official themselves.

Now besides volleyball the question still remains, how did Hinata manage to get into Shiratorizawa?
Well he wasn't as stupid as everyone just assumed, he just had that type of personality, it doesn't mean he was actually dumb. He'd been studying more since Ushijima offered him a place on the Shiratorizawa volleyball team. Not that he actually expected to go, but things happen. He began studying even more than before since he started hearing the team talk about him behind his back, he wasn't sure why, but part of him told him he needed to. After he received that recording, he understood why.
Meanwhile at Karasuno
"Does any one know where Hinata is?" Daichi asked the team who just nodded their heads no or shrugged in response. He felt guilty for not backing up or defending Hinata, but as long as he didn't find out about what happened, it was ok, right?
It had been a few days and no ones heard from Hinata. Except the ones who stayed his true friends of course. Kageyama was pissed. The last text he received from Hinata was saying he was with Ushijima and Tendou for the night, which he was not happy about at all. The fact that he even told him to say hi to Oikawa got him paranoid too. Not to mention he actually called him Oikawa instead of "great king".
Asahi, Yamaguchi, Yachi, and Kiyoko were more distant from the team, but still there. Aside from when she was with the other 3, Kiyoko went back to her normal, quiet self around the team, which they didn't really understand why. Yamaguchi was still friends with Tsukishima, since years of friendship isn't easy to let go of, but he still distanced himself from the blonde.
"King have you heard from shrimpy? Not that I mind him not being here but we've got interhighs coming up." Tsukishima asked as Kageyama glared at him. "No I haven't" he said as an angry look spread across his face.
"Damn where has he been!? It's been days already" Tanaka commented crossing his arms.
"Guys I'm sure he has his reasons for not being here" Daichi interrupted. He already felt guilty enough about the situation, he would at least back him up as much as he could. "Him not showing up is messing up our practice. If we don't practice with him by the time we play next week we'll lose for sure!"
Daichi couldn't argue with that.
"*sigh* how about we ask coach?" The team nodded their heads in agreement.
"Coach Ukai! Do you know where Hinata has been?" Suga asked, putting on a smile, as if he actually cared.
Ukai and Takeda looked at each other, disappointment written in their eyes before he turned to the team to answer the question.
"He's having some family issues so he won't be here, Though we will see him next week. Don't worry about it, you will do fine and regardless we can still win. Just don't start slacking off in practice at the absence of one teammate. If I see anyone getting lazy the whole team stays for longer to do extra diving drills and receives" He told them. Of course the part about him having family issues was a lie, but they didn't know that.
They seemed to believe it and went to continued on with practice, none of them wanting to do the extra stuff.

Soon enough, Karasuno will be in for a big surprise.
Hey hey hey!
So I'm starting this book up again like I said in my last update!
I have grown a little more confident in my writing abilities, which is why I finally am now continuing this. I feel like the writing in this chapter is a bit better than the other chapters to be honest :)
Anyways hope you enjoyed and don't forget to check out my other books/fanfics
Have a good day/night 🖤

Payback · UshiTenHinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora