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"Wait in the car, please?" We were parked in front of my house with me leaning down to the car level to talk to Grey.

He didn't look happy about that but nodded. I sighed and faced the house. I needed to do this on my own.

I walked up to the door and knocked. Soon after, the door swung open.

"Well, well, well,  Esther, come and see who came crawling back!" My father stood tall, still in his work clothes.

"Sorry to disappoint, father, but I'm not back. I just came to get the rest of my stuff like I said I'd do." I slid past his large frame and into the house.

"Tamara Grace" my mum had just walked out of the kitchen.

I ignored her and went up the stairs to my room, stopping by my parents' room to pick a few moving boxes.

I slowly started piling my stuff into the boxes- books, a few clothes. When I was done, I stood back and look at the bare yellow walls of the room. I had really thought this would be the town we would settle in.

I sighed and picked up a box, only to drop it when I turned and found my dad watching me, "Dad!!"

I bent down and picked the box again with him still just standing there, not saying anything.

"Excuse me." He was blocking the door.

His arm was just a blur until he hit my face and I was on the floor.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child" he spat, "I should have listened"

"Dad, look j-"

"Shut up. Did you really think I was going to let you go off the rail??? The path to the Lord? Do you know what happened to Eli in the Bible?"

I did. Eli was a priest who was holy and good but was damned by God because his children were bad and he didn't correct them.

How is it that there's a Bible verse for everything?

"Dad, I'm sorry. But please pl-" tears were streaming down my face.

"Shut up!" He came towards me, his hand raised again only to be thrown back suddenly.

Grey was there, breathing hard, his eyes dark and it might have just been my tears but I could swear he had claws.

He looked at me momentarily before facing my father who was now lying on the floor, clutching his neck.

He stood over him and I immediately knew what he was going to do. I pushed myself off the floor, "Grey, no please."

His head snapped to me and I touched his arm, "Please"

He kept his eyes fixed on mine and slowly they returned to their normal gray colour.

"Which is your most important box?" He asked me and I pointed at the box that held my books and he nodded and picked it up, "we'll replace everything else, let's go"

"Tamara Grace you have really chosen ruin! You will live to regret this. And you-" my father looked at Grey, "do you really think I'm going to let you take my underage daughter?"

We were already at the door and Grey hardly spared him a glance when he said, "I'd like to see you try to stop me."

My mother was standing near the door and she nearly shrank into the wall when Grey and I walked by her.

When we got outside, it was dark- we had spent quite a while here. Grey put the box in the backseat and we both got into the car.

He gripped the steering wheel so hard I thought he would break it.

"Are you okay?" He asked without looking at me.

"Yes" I was, my face hurt a bit but I was fine.

"I shouldn't have fucking let you go in there by yourself."

"Grey, calm down, it wasn't your fault." I put my hand on his arm.

"I would have killed him. Anybody else's bloody heart would be in my hands right now."

I couldn't help but laugh. Call me crazy but I found it a bit comical how he was growling and gripping the steering wheel and talking about ripping my father's heart out.

He looked at me, frowning as my laughter filled the car. I kept laughing until his face lightened and a small smile even flit over his lips.

"You're special, you know that Gracie."

I smiled and leaned up to kiss him, "I know"


The next day, I made sure I woke up early and after having my bath and everything, went downstairs to look for some food.

I am considered stopping by Grey's room and waking him up or something but quickly thrashed the idea.

I found my way to the kitchen which was empty but in the adjoining dining room, I could see plates piled high with bacon, pancakes, a large jug of orange juice, eggs and I think bread on the table.

Who eats this muchhh!!

I shrugged and grabbed a plate and put some food onto it before seating at the table. I wondered how I was going to get to school...or how long it would take to get to school from here.

Grey lived pretty far out. I looked around the dining room; everything the house seemed like they had seen a lot inside these walls. They seemed hundreds of years old but somehow, they didn't look it. I really don't know how to explain it. And it was extremely large, made me wonder how many people were in his pack.

I heard the voices before I saw the faces and they smelt me before they saw me.

"GRACEBALLS!!!!" Ryan's voice was LOUD as he came rushing towards me and physically lifting me up from my chair in a hug. "You're here! How are you here!"

Before giving me a chance to answer, he turned to Mason and rolled his eyes, "We go out of town for a few days and all the drama happens"

"Hands off my mate Ackerson"

"No! This is what you get for not updating me while I was away!" Ryan hugged me harder while sticking his tongue out at Grey.

"Soon you'll have no arms, Ackerson" Grey sang as he removed me from Ryan's arms and pulled me into his.

"Morning baby" he smiled his dimpled smile and captured my lips in his.

Okay, I definitely wouldn't mind waking up to this for a long while.

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