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"Gracie!" I heard a voice call out from behind me.

Gracie. The grey eyes in my dream yesterday now came with a voice. They said Gracie.

I waited for him to catch up with me. He had a lopsided grin on his face. He wore black jeans and a black hoodie. His dark hair was messy but it suited him perfectly.

"Hey" he greeted, throwing an arm around my shoulders. I shrugged it off but he put it right back.

The butterflies in my stomach started dancing. 

I started walking and he continued beside me.


"You get home okay yesterday?"

I rolled my eyes " What I was supposed to get kidnapped since I didn't have you shadowing me?"

He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

The group of people I'd seen him with when I had entered the English class yesterday waved him over.

"Your friends want you"

He shrugged "They can wait"

One of the boys shouted his name and he frowned at them.

"Sit with us at lunch?"

I noticed we were drawing a lot of attention. People were staring at us and whispering. 

Did the people at this school seriously have nothing better to do???

"Why in the world would I sit with you?"

He removed his arm and faced me; "Because we are friends. It's something friends do."

I narrowed my eyes at him "I just met you yesterday"

He sighed and put both his hands on my shoulders; stooping to look me in the eye "C'mooon Gracie" He paused "Please"

I sighed. What was seriously the worst that could happen. "Fine"

"Okay, great!" Then he pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me.

The butterflies were definitely throwing a party with all the fluttering they were doing. I felt my face go hot.

Then I felt him sniffing my hair.

What on earth??

"Did you just sniff my hair?"

I felt him nodding "Yup"

Then he did it again and a small groan came from him. I felt like pulling him back when he let me go,

Okay, seriously, what is happening to me???!

"Bye" He said, going to meet his friends "See you in English"

I nodded

Okay what in the world just happened! I just let a boy touch me! Two days in this place and I'd hugged a boy! Daddy would flip a lid if he knew. He'd say I was going to rot in hell. 

I don't want to rot in hell.

"What the hell was that?!" Ciara said, startling me.

"Oh hey, Ciara. Good morning to you too. My night was lovely thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes "C'mon! You were just talking and hugging the Al- Grey!"

What did she stop herself from saying? "The Grey?"

Her eyes darted sideways "Uhhh yeah.." She was definitely hiding something. "I was going to say the hottest guy in school"


But I didn't press it.

"Again...What the hell was that?!"

I shrugged "Nothing"

"Baby, that certainly wasn't nothing"

"He just wanted me to sit with him at lunch"

She stopped and turned to look at her "What's up?"

"And you said no right?"


"You told him no." Her voice was strained "Right?"

 "No I didn't" I frowned "What's up Ciara"

She sighed and took my hand "That family is cursed. You should stay away from him"

Yeah, sure, whatever Ciara was the only friend I'd made here and I didn't want to fight with her/lose her over some boy.

Grey was late to English class even though hed been in school before me which I found weird and the seat beside me where he sat the day before had already been taken by some jock. The first game of the season was tonight and the football players were all wearing their varsity jackets with WOLVES printed boldly on the back and when Grey walked in, he was sporting one too.

My goodness! He plays football too.

I noticed a scowl creep onto his face when he noticed somebody was already beside me before heading to the only remaining seat at the back of the class and I exhaled in relief.

Now I just needed to get out of sitting with him at lunch.


Grey's POV

I leaned on the wall beside Gracies AP Physics class watching all the other nerds pouring out of the class. I knew when she was coming when I smelt her.

My god, I love her scent.

I jumped right in her path when she appeared, making her drop her books. Great, she scares easily.


"What are you doing here?" She immediately asks. This is exactly why I've always dreaded having a human mate. I've always mocked the few of my friends that ended up with human mates. Karma's a fucking bitch.

It's so stressful to actually have to go through the stress of getting the girl to fall for you before you can tell her that you're a wolf and all. I knew this girl would be especially hard because she wasn't fawning over me like the rest of the school female population; both human and wolf.

Great thing I'm not the next to be Alpha; that responsibility fell on the person who wanted it and I'm eternally grateful to the moon goddess.

"I'm here to take you to lunch" I stated, taking her arm.

"Uhhh..." she pulled her arm out of my grasp "About that. I'm sorry but I cant sit with you"

Great. Fucking Ciara had filled her head with rubbish.

"You promised." She didn't. But for a girl like her, her word actually means something to her.

We had reached the cafeteria doors now. "I know, I'm really sorry but something came up."

And with that she crossed the room to a certain redhead who was glaring at me.

I didn't go after her. It's bad enough I actually had to beg her this morning.

I went over to my table and sat at the end of the bench; beside Mason.

"Good luck with that one man" He said smirking.

"I know right" Ryan said from the other side of the table "She's one hot piece of ass, though" Earning him a glare from me.

"Why's she not sitting with us?" Mason asked.

"Fucking Ciara" I grabbed his can of soda and crushed it, oblivious to the soda fizz pouring all over my hand.


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