Tere Ghata

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Khushi: Oh. But this the child specialist area?

Lavanya: Yh. We heard you talking about a child so since we were already in the building we thought we should lend our support.

Khushi: Oh. That's really thoughtful of you. Thanks.

What about him? He was here too. Thought Armav.

Khushi: Thank you Arnav Ji.

He nodded.

Arnav: Anytime.

Lavanya: Rahul? Right? What happened to him?

Khushi: He fainted in class. Anushka phoned me saying she couldn't leave work.

Arnav: Oh.... Are you okay? He asked, why was he suddenly affected by her tears?

Khushi wiped her tear.

Khushi: Yh I'm okay...

Rabba ve... Rabba ve...
Rabba ve , Rabba ve...

Rabba ve... Rabba ve...
Rabba ve , Rabba ve...


Doctor: The patient is stable now you can see him, but make sure to take good care of his diet as he's a diabetic patient his blood sugar shouldn't go high it can become problematic in the future.

Khushi: Rahul is diabetic? Heyy Devi Maiyya.

She wiped her tears before going in. She had to be strong.

Lavanya and Arnav followed behind.

Rahul: Mummmy!! He screamed as soon as he saw Khushi enter the room and Khushi hugged him. I want chocolate! He demanded.

Khushi: No, Rahul. You can't have any chocolate.

Rahul: Why?! And then his eyes travelled to the two uninvited guests in the room. Who were they? And then looked at Taneesha and winked. Hey Cutie.

Khushi: Rahul! She exclaimed embarrassed.

Lavanya blushed.

Rahul: I'm Rahul and you are?

Lavanya: Wayyy to old for you. Rahul pouted. Awww you are so cute.

Rahul crossed his arm, defiantly. I am not cute. I am tough! And then proceed to show her his non existent biceps and she laughed, heartedly. See I made you laugh that means you like me.

Lavanya: Of course I do you are tough! And gave him a big hug. Take care I'll see you soon. And Khushi see you at work tomorrow 9am sharp.

She said giving Arnav a pointed look.

Sometimes he really didn't know who was boss?

Rahul: Coool! You got the job now you can buy me that new toy car I want!!

Khushi: If you promise to get better quickly. I will. And pulled him into a hug. I love you.

Arnav felt like he was interrupting a very special moment and so decided it was best if he left.

Arnav: I think I should also go. Or the boss will get angry. What was that did he just make a joke?

After they left.

Khushi: So? You want to tell me what all of that was about? Rahul why did you call me mum?

Rahul: Because you came in the room with a strange man! Who I don't know! And furthermore I'm the only men in your life.

Khushi: Really now? And you are not a man you are a little boy.  A cute si little boy. My boy. She said, squeezing his cheeks affectionately. And what difference would that make anyway?

Rahul: Mum said that men don't like single mothers.

Khushi rolled her eyes at that. Of course. That sounded like her best friend.

Khushi: So you're trying to ruin my love life, before it even starts? Wait love life? What love life? With Mr Shaitan? No! God no.

Rahul laughed and hugged her.

Khushi: My father would have been so proud.

Rahul certainly did feel proud.

Back At The Office

Lavanya: So ASR tell me how does it feel to be wrong? No? You can't say it can you. Arnav Singh Raizada admitting he is wrong. Now that will be a day.

Arnav: I was wrong. There I admitted it. Happy now?

Lavanya: Of course. How can my best friend ever upset me?

Arnav: True. I am the best of the best.

She rolled her eyes.

Arrogance and ego dono saath lekhe chalta hai yeh.

Still? What kind of best friend would she be? If she didn't stroke his ego. Just a little bit. After all he did admit he was wrong.

Lavanya: Of course you are you are ASR.

Arnav: And don't you forget. Tume chor doon?

Lavanya: No. I have a ride.

Arnav: Really? Who a new boyfriend? What's his name? Where does he work-

Lavanya: Uff! You do this every-time. I won't tell. She said and crossed her arms defiantly.

Arnav: Lavanya Kashap!

Lavanya: Bye! She yelled. And stormed out of the office. Her best friend could be too much at times.

She was too much at times. Thought Arnav. He was trying to protect her from-

No. There was no use remembering the past.

His phone rang.

Unknown number.

Arnav: Yes?

Khushi: Hi. It's Khushi.

Arnav: Huh?

Khushi: I'm sorry. I know it's late and this is highly inappropriate but it's late and I have no means of getting home. If I was on my own, then it's another story but I'm with Rahul. I'd rather not risk it. Never mind this is totally inappropriate. I'll end this call now-

Arnav: No. I'll be right there.

20 Mins Later

Arnav: Hey. He bent down to Rahul's level. How are you, little man?

Rahul: Fine. What is your relationship with my mum? He asked. He needed to know who this strange man was. He was his Di's Mr handsome!

Khushi: Rahul! Where are your manners? She scolded him.

Rahul looked down, not happy at being scolded. He definitely didn't like this strange man! He looked up and glared at him.

Khushi: Rahul! That's it maafi mango!

Rahul: No! I will not. He said defiantly and crossed his arm over his chest. He wasn't in a listening mood today.

Un-Break My Heart- Arshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now