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My old, scratched phone violently buzzed against the floor with a new notification lighting up its worn out screen. It's surprising sound instantly shook me out of my trance and brought my hand to grab it gently and bring it to my face. Squinting my eyes, the digital clock displaying the time appeared a boring background of the Miyagi scenery highlighted the new message I had received--normally all of my daily notifications are from useless games and my inactive twitter account, so it took me by surprise when acknowledging it's origin.

"That's weird," I spoke out loud. "It's a email."

Without any hesitation, I unlocked my phone, bypassing everything else on my screen until I opened the email app and located the whereabouts of the recent message. It could be a random company asking me for a survey, or a new game trying to promote itself; it's probably nothing to get overly curious about. However, after reading the file name, my assumptions were incorrect and, even if it were for a split second, my heart stopped and my body had been temporarily paralysed from a invisible force surrounded by body. I must be reading the Kanji wrong. This can't be. It's--


In clear Kanji, the address going by the name '' appeared in bold above the blank subject and email of who the message is directed to.

"What the fu-- how did he get my email?! I never gave him my email! Did I? Wait-- oh crap." Then I remembered: I'm a idiot. I gave the blond giant my email two days ago out of cocky desperation when I was sure that I would win our devious bet. After the confrontation today, I wouldn't have suspected he would email me. What he has emailed me leaves a butterfly in my stomach as fear and dread surfaced.

I took a deep breathe and decided to open it. "Here goes nothing."





What's your home address? I'm coming



"Oh my."

I can't tell you the amount of times I overlooked that message, making sure that I was reading the letters correctly and if there was any implication that it was meant as a joke or a troll, however there was nothing. This was definitely something I did not expect, especially from Tsukishima Kei. It almost comes across as elude and perverted, but he would never do something like that, especially to me. Who does he think he is asking a question so forward without any warning? Even after being such a ass? After I merely yelled at him in front of the class? I would be telling a white lie if I didn't say that a crimson blush had unintentionally formed on my cheeks; it's embarrassing to say the least and quite flustering. However, I began to recompile myself and think of a reasonable way to reply, with the perfect amount of aggression and sophistication.





That's a very forward question to ask a girl
without any context. Why do you need to
know where I live?


I waited after this, my eyes burning from the bright phone screen and hands merely shaking with anticipation: not because I'm scared, but because my head is overflowing with curiosity and shock at the thought of a kinda hot 6 foot 2 male student wanting to come over to my tiny bungalow. Does he, god forbid, want to spend time with me? Now that's a scary thought. On the other hand, a small tinge of regret formed in my mind after slowly pressing the send button. Did I just suddenly forget how such terror he has caused me? I probably should have just ignored him, however sadly, the deed is done and I can only just ponder what will come next.

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