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Day of the history exam.
I slammed a tiny, white folded-up piece of paper onto Tsukishima's one-person desk, practically startling him and everyone who roamed the classroom awake, without any intended or generous hesitation. It flattened against the force of my head onto the wood like a squished bug, created a burning sensation to spread across the surface of my skin like fire. However, the sudden pain didn't stop the excessive rate at which a smile grew on my face, with every amount of confidence my body could stand. I was ready, and I was going to show the world—my fellow classmates—the level of assurance I had within my racing mind, full of historical facts and sentences, ready for today's history exam.  I had studied all day and all night, and then some, answering practice questions and texts, and reading books nonstop until most of the words were crammed into my head. The confidence I felt was overwhelming; it felt like nothing could throw me off of my lucky streak as the silent voice in my head replayed some facts and figures with ease, without needing me to think about it at all. I bet Tsukishima can't do that, and I was ready to brag about it.

Instantly, Tsukishima looked up at my grinning expression, scanning my well-posed structure, as he withdrew himself from his daily daydreams. He casually wore white headphones upon his head, listening to music while staring blankly out of the window beside us, however, he lost interest quickly as he merely dropped them onto the floor next to his bag and stopped the music from his phone. Confusion was the first thing on his mind, seeing me all happy and jolly on such a stressful day as today wasn't the likely sight he expected. He imagined me to have purple bags under my eyes from lack of sleep due to pressure; hair stuck up towards the ceiling from an unappealing bed head, and my mind to be spinning with anxiety and prayers for death. At first, he didn't think it was me, instead, he thought it was another girl asking for notes or last-minute words of wisdom. So, instead of whisking whoever it may have been away, he decided it would be best to question my beaming face.

"What's with you—

"This, Tsukishima, is my email address. There, on that piece of paper." I merely shouted, uncovering the folded paper with my finger and pointing directly to it. Again, confusion overtook his face.

"Why do I need your email?" He commented coldly, turning his body on his chair until his massed body faced mine, now almost reaching the same eye level.

"Because I'm going to pass this history exam!" I beamed slightly down at him. From the look on his face, he was confused about my bold statement, and so was I by the way I put it.

"Good luck with that," Tsukishima remarked sarcastically, no emotion leaving his face.

"I've come up with a great way where you can help me study... indirectly!"

"Does indirectly mean never?"

"No, not quite." I sweatdropped, "Our deal was if I pass this test you get to help me study. So instead of actually helping me face to face, which you said you want to avoid, you can just send me a picture of your notes through email and boom! That's it! Problem solved. You don't even have to give me precious hardware."

Tsukishima scoffed out loud. The rolling of his eyes could be seen even though the sun reflected on the surface of his glasses. With his elbow on the desk, he held his chin in direct view to me with a blank, but judging, expression.

"You've definitely thought this through, Hoshiko—probably more than you've studied for the exam."

A tint of red formed on my face from annoyance, however still continued to keep my confident aura alive.

"Are you saying I haven't studied?"

"You're getting flustered."

I covered my cheeks.

Protection - Kei Tsukishima fanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora