Chapter two ~ An intruder...

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Guys I'm sorry for not posting for 2 days, I was having trouble with wattpad it wouldn't let me log in and the support page took a while to get back to me, anyhow I'm back now and to make up for the 2 days..I'm giving you guys a double upload🕊🤍

Adriana's Pov -

A disgusting stench of cow poop filled my nostrils as we ended up outside of some white wooden double gates, my grandma hopped out of the truck to push them open before hopping back inside and driving through the now open gates.

It was dark so I couldn't really see much of the farm just yet, however I could see the cottage like home. It had a white porch wrapped around it and blue shutters on each window, a bright light was on top of the porch lighting up the other truck that was outside of the house. My gaze caught onto my grandma as she stopped the truck and smiled over at me "Welcome to your home for the next eleven weeks"

An uneasy looked played on my face, but I let out a deep's not like I can do anything about it. I have no choice but to be here, I just hope these eleven weeks go by fast so I can get back home and see my friends and do a well needed shopping trip.

As I was about to push open the door, I was stopped by my grandma. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to face her. "You might need these" she was holding up a pair of dirty green rubber boots, I pinched my nose to block the strange smell coming from them.

"Yeah.." I paused. "No thanks" I pushed open the passenger door and hopped out of the eyes widened when I felt my foot land in something soft and squishy. Slowly looking down, I saw my pink shoe covered in wet dirt. A loud scream left my mouth, as I hopped over the grass and ran over to the porch, pulling my shoes of so I was now left in my yellow socks.

"Lesson number one..always listen to the advice you are given" Grandma said, pulling my suitcases up onto the porch.

Before I could say anything else, the door behind me creaked open. "So our princess herself is here, huh?" I heard a raspy voice making me turn around to see my grandpa Keith. He was bald now, his stubble was grey and a few wrinkles rested on his forehead and around his brown eyes. He was wearing a checked shirt and some dark blue jeans, a black belt holding them up.

"Hey Grandpa" I breathed, walking over to him and pulling him into a warm hug.

"Hello sweetie, we missed you" He patted my shoulder after pulling away. His eyes then trailed down to my socks, his eyebrow raised.

"So you didn't listen to your grandma?"

"Grandpa! Those things are ugly" I pointed at the green rubber boots. "You guys don't happen to have any in pink, do you?"

They both let out a laugh, shaking their heads and leading me inside. The smell of lavender hit me as soon as we entered, it was very cottage like inside. It sort of like the typical farm house you would see in the movies, a whole cosy feel to it.

After unpacking and looking around the house, my grandma called me down for dinner. Checking the time on my digital clock on the desk to see it was 7.40pm, I let out a sigh before lifting from the comfy bed. The room they had me in was pretty plain, basic cream walls and a single bed with a white bed spread and a desk and closet in the corner. It's definitely something to get used to and a big change from my queen sized bed at home..but they said I can decorate it how I like, if I want.

"Hey" I whispered, pulling out a chair at the wooden table in the kitchen.

"You settle in ok?" My grandpa asked, I nodded and turned to my grandma when I saw her coming inside with a large pot in her hand. The smell of meat filled my nose as she placed it down in the middle of the table, my eyes instantly widened as she pulled off the lid revealing a golden brown pie.

Barbie to Farmgirl.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora