Chapter one ~ 'Exzueeze me?'

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I am open to any criticism and if anyone wants to correct my mistakes, then go ahead. Writing is just something I do in my spare time, I'm no professional!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images or music that I have put in some chapters, all credit to the rightful owners.
HOWEVER, the ideas in this book are all my own. So please do not steal any parts or re write my book without my permission.
Ps: If you don't like the outfit pics, there is no need to be rude. Everyone has their own individual style, some of the outfit choices I have chosen, I personally don't even like myself. But guys, this is a made up BOOK it's not real! Adriana is a dramatic character, so I matched her outfits to her personality!
ALSO: I might as well plug my other story too hahaha, it's titled 'Gentle for her'. It's a Mafia book! Please check it out afterwards :)

With that being said, thank you and enjoy💝

Adriana's Pov -

Chewing my gum as I twirled my finger around my golden brown hair, I watched as my father angrily paced up and down the room.

"$1,043 spent on my credit card in one day, Adriana!" He threw his arms up into the air, I let out a dramatic sigh as I crossed my leg over the top of my other one.

"Dadddd, you know that I needed some new clothes for the party-"

"The party!..don't even get me started on the goddamn party" his pinched the top of he's nose while shaking his head.

~Yesterday evening~

"Who's ready?" I yelled as I stood on top of the rooftop, looking down at everyone in the pool.

"Go!" They shouted and I pulled my dress off revealing my bright purple bikini. Shaking my hands and taking a deep breath, I started running towards the edge.

"To the best summer ever" I screamed as I jumped and landed right into the pool, cheers where heard from the drunk teens as I came up from under the water and pushed my long hair out of my face.

I began giving random people a high-five as I danced in the pool, the cold water making me shiver.

"ADRIANA SMITH" My father yelled, making everyone go quiet.

"Oops?" I muttered.

"No Adriana! You could have killed yourself jumping from that height..and that party was something you shouldn't of even been throwing!" My Mom stood up next to my father, her arms folded over her chest.

"I think they are right, we should send her" she turned to my father who nodded, then looked over at me.

"What are you guys talking about? Send me where?" I looked between them, a confused look on my face.

"Ari, you have left us no choice..your behaviour is getting out of control! And the money you are spending is becoming ridiculous. We think it's time you learn some responsibilities" My father said, sitting on the chair opposite me.

"Responsibilities?" I laughed in disbelief, pulling my chewing gum out of my mouth and chucking it into the trashcan by the desk.

"I already have responsibilities" I crossed my arms.

"Darling, there is much more to life than have just turned seventeen years old. When you return back to school after summer break, you are going to be in senior year!" My Mom stated, I just rolled my eyes.

How dare they say I don't have responsibilities? Shopping for clothes can actually be a pretty difficult job.

"You won't be spending summer here" My father spoke up, instantly gaining my attention.

Barbie to Farmgirl.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora