2: Boys Are Gross

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The preseason starting on a Monday after a Saturday practice closing up the summer training means that I have Sunday off, just in time for Jilly, Steph's younger sister, to ship in from Maine. 

"Yo," I kick off my shoes in the front entry, not even bothering to knock. 

"Hey," he's in the kitchen wrestling with cooking something. "What are you doing?" 

"Looking for my favorite younger sister," I mimic looking around extra dramatic to make him laugh.

"Oh, come on, you're skipping hanging out with me?"

"Yes," I open his fridge, "I'm here for food and Jilly."

"Rocket!" I hear behind me. Then I'm crushed with a hug.

"Hey kid, it's been a quick minute since I've seen you," I hug her back, "how's it been?"

"Absolute shit, you?"

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad, you're living with the best defenseman in the league!"

"Hey!" Steph rolls his eyes from next to me. "First off, I am not the best, and second off, no swearing over there."

I lean over to Jilly. "He's no fun, swearing adds flavor to things."

She grins. "Extra spice."


Jilly looks into the other room for a second. "Steph?"


"Can Rocket and I go get something to eat? You have nothing in this house that's unhealthy and moving has sucked and..." she's scheming. I can see it in her eyes. It's the same expression her brother uses. 

He looks over at the two of us. "Sure, just don't get sidetracked and don't get in trouble. Lord knows I don't have time for a lawsuit with you two."

"Hell yeah." She gives me a high five and I follow her back onto the elevator.

"So, what exactly do you have in mind for food?" I ask.

"An ice cream cake."

"The whole thing?"

"That's what bringing you is for." She raises her eyebrows at me, then waves at my body. "Human garbage disposal."

"Oh, gee, maybe we shouldn't-" I reach out to hit the button to go back up but she glares at me. "I'm kidding."

"Good," she snorts. "So, how's the new team? Steph hasn't said much."

I shrug. "Nothing much, just a team, they're all weird in a fun way, though."

"And how is the situation with the boys?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me. 

"Uh," I run my hand through my hair, "disappointing, from a gay guy's point of view, but pretty impressive from a teammate's point of view."

"Oh, come on, half the hockey world is over the moon about Fen," she tosses her hands up, "and you're going to sit here and be a picky gay?"

"Okay, I didn't mean it like I don't think he's attractive, no, that's nuts. You'd have to be blind. What I'm saying is that he's disappointingly taken. Like very clearly taken. And Nico scares the shit out of me so I wouldn't want to get in the middle of that. Plus, he's straight."

She thinks about it for a second.

"Why, do you have a crush on Fen?" I lean over to look at her and she shakes her head.

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