36: Reyna

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this is also, absurdly long


We do the next leg of the trip in casual slow conversation, catching up on things. He's an engineer in Prague working in, you'll never guess, drainage and dams. I joked that he should meet Steph and then realized he wouldn't understand that joke so I left it where it was. After that we sort of made our way back to the topic around my family and he didn't really give me any more information about anything that had actually happened, nothing about my father, nothing about Roman, nothing. Just loose conversation.

    "Alright," I park the car in front of the house he directed me to. Jan's. About a mile down the street is where I grew up and my heart is in my throat, begging me to go walk that mile just to look at the green siding again.

    But, not yet, apparently.

    "Yeah, alright," he pulls in a breath. "I hope Jan is okay with random visitors."

    I shrug, stepping out of the car, glad to be rid of the automatic engine for the time being, and walk my way up to the door, anxiety burning through me but stupid stupid stupid excitement tuning it out.

Matyáš trails me, clearly far more nervous than I am.

    I'm the one that knocks. The Svoboda's still have the same welcome mat they did and the front door is even the same color, just a little time-worn. There's a clatter in the kitchen.

    "Coming!" there's a shout. I can't help but smile, that's the same shrill yell of none other than Basia Svoboda.

    The door opens and I'm met with the same short commanding woman I knew ten years ago. She's got the same quirked eyebrows and dull hair.

    Her eyes flit behind me. "Matyáš?"

    "Hey," he manages.

    "Who's..." she turns to me, then, shock. Her features roar to life, scanning me up and down. "By god you look like your father, Miloš."

    It's not what I was expecting to hear but I'll take it. Basia throws her arms around me, bringing me into a tight hug that I also wasn't expecting.

    "Hi," I mumble, hugging her back. "Long time, no see?"

    "You don't get to say that, mister." She points her finger at me. "Pulling a stunt like that on all of us, come on, in in, both of you, lord knows it's been too long since I've seen you too, Matyáš." She shushes us through the doors and then I'm being inspected again. "You're a spitting image of the man, Miloš, how's your mother?"

    "Doing well," I respond. "She lives up in Canada with me now."

    "Your accent is horrific."

    I laugh. "It must be. Everyone I've talked to today has said the same."

    She tuts her tongue at me, then: "Jan, Reyna, and my husband went to get groceries about a half hour ago, but I'll call them back in, I'm sure you want to see your sister."

    "My what?" I spurt.

    "Oh, Mrs Svoboda-" Matyáš starts. "He doesn't..."

    "No, no, hold on," I look between them. "What?"

    "Uh," Mrs Svoboda looks to Matyáš, then back to me. "I-I don't think this is our spot."

    "Would someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" I finally muster up the frustration to say it. "I've been here for three hours and suddenly like 800 things are happening that I can't explain."

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