Chapter 7: Nicholai

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September 29th, 1:13 a.m. And you were on the run.

Somehow, that thing was alive and was chasing you down with a rocket launcher it apparently had found. You ran for no more than a minute, dodging its attacks before one rocket came at both your feet. This blasted you both up and over the barricade that blocked your path.

What a painful getaway.

You both landed hard, grunting and shifting in uncomfortable pain. You knew you both could deal with it later, but you had to run. Getting up hurt a lot, but you managed to pull yourself up along with Jill and you followed your way out. Heading up some stairs and a ladder, you found yourself on the roof of a building. That's when Jills radio went off, so you both took a second to listen in since you were safe for now.

"You guys there? I think I know how to slow that fucker down."  

It was Carlos, boy was it nice to hear from him again.

"Head back towards the station."

"And lead it right to you? Are you crazy?" You asked, kinda concerned for this plan of his.

"I get that, but it's okay. Trust me." He said, and you both were left alone again.

You and Jill didn't really have any other choice, so you both decided to follow through.

The two of you found your way back to the middle of the city- at least the part you were familiar with. But as you made your way up some stairs, a rocket came in and was shot at the base of a giant head perched on the nearby toy store. You both completely booked it in the other direction, going back sort of from where you came. It rolled right past and you both just looked at each other as you do when a giant head comes rolling after you.

You progressed on, running up the stairs once more. That's when that creature appeared  behind you both, so you ran even faster. Following a path down an alleyway as an escape- plus it was the way back to the station. At the end of the alley, however was Carlos waiting for you guys.

You followed him and kept running, as you had been doing all night long. As you kept running, an explosion came up behind you and that thing was there. It was still after you as it pointed its red laser in your sights. You dipped the corner as fast as you could before its next rocket could even touch you. 

As you turned around, you saw Carlos had planted a claymore that it couldn't see. It went off and knocked down the beast as Carlos kept you guys behind him. You and Jill ran ahead as Carlos started spraying the beast down with bullets from his assault rifle.

"Carlos! Let's go!" You shouted, knowing damn well bullets wouldn't do anything.

He growled a bit as he began to run with you. You dipped into a section of the subway building, Jill pressing the button for the door. But right before it closed, Carlos sprayed several more bullets at a truck in which it exploded. You could feel the vibration of it through the buildings walls, it even denting the door quite a bit. You all got your bearings before breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that it was over. The three of you now went ahead and made your way through the building, taking a break.

"Hey Carlos, I know we didn't get off to a great start, but....thank you for the save." Jill said, being sincere which was something you didn't see a lot of from her to other people.

"Hey, you both saved my ass first. You two are a hell of a lot braver than I am." He said back, being just as nice. This was a wholesome moment you all were sharing.

"Well, what matters is that we can get everyone out of the city now." You said, piping up and bringing some more nice stuff to the conversation.

"Yeah, you'll both be safe now." He said, opening up the gate that was closed previously.

"What about you?" Jill asked, and you were kinda curious too what Carlos was gonna do when you both leave the city.

"From the sound of it, I won't be catching the train. There'll be new orders for me." He said, pausing for a moment.

"If it means I can help save the city, that's fine by me."

Once the gate was open all the way, you continued forward.

Heading down several flights of stairs, you finally made it back to a place you were familiar with.

That's when a man you were also familiar with stepped up to you both.

"Good work. Your reputation is well deserved. Now get inside, the subway is leaving soon." Mikhail said as you and Jill headed for the door.

Jill slowly stopped though as she listened in on a conversation between Mikhail, Carlos, and another male you haven't met before.

"Carlos, Tyrell. You have your orders. You need to go back out into the city and find Nathaniel Bard." Mikhail said, giving the boys their orders.

"This isn't the last ride out of town, right?" Jill asked as the three of them looked over at you two.

"Do not worry. Once the civilians are safe, the train will be back." Mikhail explained.

"It's alright, you go on ahead. I'm not gonna die on you, and leave you in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world." Carlos said, smiling a bit.

You smiled a bit as well, the first time you've really smiled all night while Jill did as well while rolling her eyes.

You both stepped into the train car, only to be greeted by the one person you couldn't stand.

"You see? You're learning. The only life that matters is your own." You could only glare at Nicholai's statement as Mikhail got on the subway after you.


September 29th, 2:11 a.m. - Subway Car

You and Jill we sat next to each other, just staring out the window. You felt like you could fall asleep given how exhausting everything was these past several hours. That's when you both started listening in on the conversation the two Russians were having.

"You really think a pencil-pusher like Bard is still alive, do you?" Nicholai asked.

"I have it on good authority." Mikhail responded as he had a seat, looking to be in quite a bit of pain given his voice and stance.

"Why? Are you worried about teammates? Or something else?" Mikhail continued.

"Funny how brainless zombies can ambush a platoon like that. Funny the gate was locked. Don't you think?" He said, and you and Jill looked at each other. What was he going on about?

You only heard a malicious chuckle come from Nicholai as the power went out in your subway car, followed up by an explosion.

"What was that?" You asked as all of you stood up straight, looking down at the end of the subway car.

The door slowly opened to reveal that the creature was back, and with a vengeance.

"How is this fucker not dead yet!" Jill said, starting to sprint towards it. You and Mikhail pulled her back as he spoke up.

"Jill, no. They're gone. Come, this way." He said, as you and Jill turned back to flee your subway car.

But before you could even think about leaving, Nicholai had already slinked out the door before you.

"Nicholai, what are you doing?" Jill asked, in a panic.

"Its not after me." He said, smirking like the devil before running off.

"NICHOLAI!" You both shouted, furious with this bastard. 

You both heard gunshots, so you turned around seeing Mikhail shooting at it. But before either of you could stop him, a long tendril came in from where the beast was and plunged right through Mikhail, dragging him towards itself. You and Jill were in shock as you saw Mikhail with the last of his strength pull out a control. Once he pressed that button an explosion went off,

And your whole world went dark.

1,351 Words

((Hey guys! Hope your still enjoying yourself, this one was different to write but I still did it for you! So here's chapter 7, and chapter 8 should be coming out tomorrow. See you then!   ~Galaxy

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