Chapter 3: New Faces And New Places

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You couldn't move, your mind was fixated on whatever the hell that thing was.

That's when Jill noticed you, not moving. She quickly got up by your side and saw the creature approach slowly and menacingly. 

"Get in the car, NOW." Jill shouted as you popped out of your daze and sprinted towards the other side of the car.

Jill pulled out a thankfully already dead body from the drivers seat, getting in. disregarding seat belts, she turned the keys that were still in the ignition and the car roared to life. Holding onto the handle that was placed on the roof, you braced yourself for whatever Jill was gonna do. You trusted her this much, and you still trusted her now. So with that, she stepped down on the gas and drove at the creature.

"Its my turn bitch." Jill said with anger in her voice, thirsty for revenge. This thing must've hurt her bad if she was angry.

As soon as you collided with the giant, you both shot forward and back now face to face with the 'thing'. It looked at Jill, paying you no mind at all and reached it enormous hand through and grabbed Jill around the throat. You panicked, wanting to do something. But with the car still moving and Jills determination in tact, you all went off the edge. Granted, it only lasted a few seconds as you hit ground causing everything to go dark. Even that too didn't seem to last long. You shot open you eyes, your ears ringing. You felt a slight tingling sensation in your right shoulder and down your arm but you paid it no mind. Your thoughts were focused on the creature getting up off the ground- seemingly taking no damage whatsoever and heading for the car. You looked over and saw Jill still unconscious. That's when it hit you....the car was upside down. You first crawled out, given you were on the opposite side that the creature was and quickly but carefully began to pull Jill out. You saw the legs of the creature get really close and you pulled faster, hearing Jill groan and cough. Thank god she was waking up, but you guys needed to go.

"Jill, Jill please wake up a little faster...we need to go now." You said through grunts of pain because of your shoulder putting on so much pressure. 

As soon as you were away from the car, it exploded causing you- and the now awake Jill to jump quickly back in surprise. With you both now awake, you could run. Only problem.....You two just survived a five story fall from a parking garage roof. How? Your not sure, but you were happy about least you will be later.

That's when you heard another voice, a deep male voice.

"Hey, fuckface." He shouted as the creature caught was seemed to be a small rocket and throw it at a nearby car, causing it to explode. But when the creature looked at the man which you and Jill were also looking at, he was holding what appeared to be a sort of rocket launcher. Then before that thing could do something, the man shot the launcher at point blank range causing it to go down on its knees, still as a boulder.

The man hopped off the car as you spoke up to him.

"Hey! Over here!" You said, thankful for you and Jills savoir. 

The man ran over as you began to help Jill up on her feet. Given she looked like she had taken the most impact, she was gonna need both you and this mans help to walk. When he approached closer, slinging Jills arm over his shoulder you spoke up.

"Who are you?" You asked as you did the same to Jills other arm.

"Names Carlos, now lets get out of here." He said as the three of you walked away and out the 'crime scene' you created.

~~~~~10 Minutes Later~~~~~

Carlos lead you guys down a set of stairs to what you believe to be a sub station. Carlos slowly let go of Jill and you both caught your breath, you letting go as well. You reached your arm up to your shoulder, putting a hand on it as you stood up straight. Jill eventually stood up straight as Carlos spoke.

"I think we're in the clear.." He said, looking around then back to the two of you.

"I sure hope so." Jill said in between breathes, still shaking off the accidents injuries.

"We've been bringing survivors down here."

"Where's 'Here'?" Jill asked. Guess she didn't see the signs that it was a station.

"My guys have converted some subway cars into a shelter. Its safe." Carlos explained. Carlos walked over and tried to get an arm around Jill but failed as she said she was fine. At least he backed off, knowing personal bubbles pretty well to stay out of them.

You all walked forward a little before stopping not even a minute down the hallway, There was a closed gate that Carlos stood in front of and sighed harshly.

"Who's the dipshit who closed this? Sorry, we'll have to go around."

You nodded at Carlos, understanding the situation. Jill said nothing about it, but only asking a question instead.

"What do you know about that monster?"

You too were curious if he knew anything, he did help take it out after all.

"Nothing. I've never seen anything like it. But it's no zombie. It knows what it wants and it won't stop till it gets it. Don't you like that in a man?"

"No thanks, he's all yours." Jill replied, cool as ever.

Besides the last part it got you thinking. Was it really after Jill? And what were 'zombies'? Were those the mindless infected you kept encountering all over the city? You had so many questions, but they had to be put off for now. You had to focus on getting to the safe space Carlos was talking about. 

"Listen, I promise you guys are in good hands. I'm with the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service. U.B.C.S. for short."

You almost stopped walking, but continued anyway to follow Jill. Just as you wanted to say something, Jill got there first.

"Are you kidding? Are you fucking kidding me? You guys are the ones who caused all this!" She said, clearly mad. She stepped up Carlos since he stopped walking, listening to her anger pour out. And in a calm tone of voice, he spoke back to her.

"Woah woah, what are you talking about? We're just here to help people. What's wrong with Umbrella?" He said, continuing their walk.

Jill stood still for a few seconds before walking again, you following in tow.

"'What's wrong with Umbrella?' Oh my god." She started, as she headed down the stairs. "Your company is responsible for infecting everyone!" She said aloud, stopping since Carlos did. You all stood in front of a metal door, appearing to be locked. Carlos looked at the two of you, looking genuinely confused.

"Yeah, I uh don't know anything about that." He started off as he faced the door, talking solely to Jill at this point since you couldn't get a word in. You wanted them to talk all that out before even thinking of intruding.

"And you don't have to trust me, but I'm going to the shelter. You comin'?" He said as he busted open the door with his foot, continuing on through.

You looked at Jill who was still fuming after that argument. You then placed a hand on her shoulder as she looked at you. You spoke calmly to her to hopefully ease the tension.

"Don't worry, once we board the train we'll leave this hell and get away from Umbrella, okay?"

Jill took a second before nodding a little with a small reply.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me." She said as you two walked forward to find out if the safe space was really all that safe.

((A/N: Hey guys! Hope your enjoying this. I'm gonna keep this one short since its almost 1 a.m. :') I would've ended it a bit later but I felt that this was a good stopping point so hope it's still alright :) I'll catch ya'll in the next one     -Galaxy        Words: 1,394))

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