Chapter thirty eight

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I stare at the white curtains. They have a small print on them, dainty flowers that are almost impossible to see. They're simple though. I finally roll over onto my back, letting out a deep sigh. 

I didn't sleep at all last night, not after they brought me back.I reach my hand under my pillow, pulling out the two purple swirling vials. I study them close to my face. The mystical liquid looks like someone had actually captured a small storm into a bottle.

A deadly bottle, though. Jax wanted me to poison Zane with these. He wants me to seduce him, to slip them in his drink. He said he will come in a week to reclaim his rights to the pack. 

Then he will start a war, just like he had originally planned. The way he talked about his brother, such hatred in his voice. 

What caused the two to hate each other so much? 

My heart clenches at the thought of killing Zane. Am I really capable of cold-blooded murder? Inside I felt like I didn't have a choice. Aiden would suffer if I don't. 

But I have to. I can't let Aiden suffer for eternity just because of me. 

It would be selfish. 

A small knock at my door pulls me from my thoughts. I lift my head up, studying the white door with curious eyes. I quickly shove the poison back underneath my pillow, rushing to the door. 

I crack the door open, squinting into the hallway. Nobody is there. My blood runs cold as I fear Cole might be nearby, to make sure I actually complete the deed. 

I glance down and furrow my eyebrows. A single white rose lays delicately on the floor. It's stem is a dark green, sharp thorns poke out in different places. The petals look as soft as silk, perfectly placed on the flower like a masterpiece. I squat down, plucking the flower from the ground. I bring the fragile flower up to my nose, sniffing in the sweet fragrance it provides.

A small smile graces my lips as I open my eyes back up. I tilt my head, catching another tuff of white off in the distance not too far away. I stand to my feet, grabbing my red robe from off of the dresser and throwing it over my shoulders. The robe is made of fine silk, covering my arms like a cool, gentle hug. Luckily the sleeves are long and open, covering my claw-marked wrist. 

I step out of my room, my eyes glued to the rose down the hallway. I look both ways, checking to see if I can find the person who left these here. The long stretch is abandoned, not a footstep in hearing range. I pick up the second rose, smelling it too. 

A few feet away is another rose, this one is a soft pink. It's petals are larger, spanning out big enough to fill my palm. I add it to my collection, spotting yet another pink flower laying a few feet from that one. 

I wander through the halls, following the trail of discarded beauties. They trail on, finally leading me to a large oak door that I have never seen before. By this time, I have a whole bouquet of flowers in between my two hands. 

I let out a deep breath, pushing the large door open. The entire room is huge, covered from head to toe in soft twinkling lights. There are no windows, but the lights illuminate the room perfectly. A small gasp escapes my lips as my eyes wander the ground, spotting dozens of white and pink roses lining the floor in a giant circle. In the middle of the circle is a small staircase leading up only a few steps before leveling out as a stage.

I look to the middle of the circle, where the man stands with his head bent down to the ground. He wears a simple dark brown leather jacket paired with dark jeans. In his hands is a single rose. This one is violet. The rose is massive, it's petals spreading much bigger than my simple pink flowers. This rose could fill his giant palm.  At the sound of the door gently hitting the wall, he lifts his head, his creamy coffee eyes meeting mine. 

"This is-" I breathe out, looking up at the string lights again. 

"Beautiful." He finishes my sentence, drawing my attention back on him. His eyes have never left mine. 

I feel a deep blush paint my cheeks as I pull my eyes from him. 

He steps down from the stairs, approaching me slowly. 

"Do you like it?" He tilts his head, coming to a stop directly in front of me. 

"I love it." I breathe out, smelling my flowers once again, "But what is this all for?" I tilt my head to the side. 

"To say thank you, for helping my pack." He shrugs it off as if he didn't just show me a grand romantic gesture. "And because you deserve it, I like to see you smile." 

My heart flutters, pumping more blood to my cheeks.

"You didn't have to do-" 

"I wanted to." he cuts me off, placing his hand on my arm. 

My heart races as I look into those dark eyes. He gives me a small grin as he hands me his giant rose. 

"Thank you," I return his smile, following him to sit on a small couch. 

"Tonight, after a whole day dedicated to getting to know you, I plan to have a feast." He explains, his eyes lighting up. 

"A feast now?" I giggle out, playing with the small petals on the roses. 

He nods firmly, proud of his plans. He moves his fingers to play with the silky strings of my robe. 

"Why me?" I finally press, locking eyes with him. 

He pauses for a moment, considering his answer slowly. 

"I feel like ever since I met you, I was just drawn to you. It's like something about you is different. You're beautiful, yes, but you're also strong, smart, fearless." He finally says. 

My heart beats faster.

"I kind of know what you mean. When I was gone... I just felt different. I was tired and I couldn't get you out of my head somehow." I confess, looking back down at my bouquet. 

"Well now you're back, and I'm not going anywhere." He breathes out, his eyes filled with lust. 

Then the guilt hits. The fear follows. Today I am supposed to kill him. My stomach churns for a moment before I dart out of the room. I run down the hallway a few paces before I let it all out into a small blue potted tree. 

Zane is behind me in an instant, his hand rubbing circles on my back. 

"Are you okay?" He voices his concern, pulling my hair back away from my face. 

I stand abruptly, giving him a small thumbs up. 

"I'm fine uh, allergic to roses?" I blurt out, desperate to find an excuse for the disaster I've just created. 

His brows furrow as his eyes search my sickening face. 

I brush past him, making my way back to my room as fast as I can. 

"Wait! I have a day planned for us, before our date tonight." He trails off after me. 

I spin back around to him. 

"Uh, I'm just gonna sleep this off...but I will be there tonight? Okay, Bud works for me." I give him another thumbs up before sputtering out, "See you then, love you."

His mouth gapes open for a second as he stands in the middle of the hallway looking at me dumbfounded. 

I slam my jaw shut, spinning back around. I mentally slap myself in the face as I run away as fast as I can. 

Did I just say 'love you' to a man I haven't even been on one date with?

I want to so desperately turn back around and make sure he doesn't think I'm a freak now, but I continue my small jog to my room. I slam my door shut, sliding down it until I am on the floor. 

Then the tears come as I hide myself in my arms. 

How am I supposed to kill someone who I am developing feelings for?

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