Chapter thirty

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My heart has stopped beating. It doesn't beat for what feels like minutes. I sit on the floor a few feet away from Cole. My eyes are wide and my mouth is open wide, ready to catch a bug. I know exactly why he is here. Somehow he knew that I told Rylan about meeting him. 

He is here to kill me. 

Meeting a Fate is dangerous, but speaking about a Fate is deadly. Cole had let me escape only to come back and take my soul away with him. 

"Cole." Was the only thing that spilled from my lips. "W-What are you doing here?"

He raises his soaking leg up, stepping out of the bath tub. The bath mat immediately soaks as a puddle of cold water forms at his feet. I drag myself to my feet, trying my best to compose myself. 

"I've been standing here for an hour, listening to that lovesick puppy confess his undying love for you." He scowls, his eyes are a dark navy blue. That is a color that I have come to know as bad news. Cole's face shows little emotions, but his eyes reveal his entire soul. 

Then it hits me. The burning that I feel rupturing throughout my body. The scalding heat that consumes my skin.

"You poisoned me." My face goes pale as the words leave my mouth. 

I don't fear many things, but Cole is a whole different species. Criminals? No problem. Murderers? Pshhhh I have a taser gun for that. Fates? How do you even kill one?

He cocks his head to the side like a snap, his eyes narrowing at my words. 

"You really think that low of me?" The navy drains out of his eyes as whisks of neon blue enter his irises. 

The burning underneath my flesh has become unbearable. I feel like a million layers of snow would not stop the burning. Cole stares at me like I am a germ underneath a microscope. 

"Then what did you do to me?" My voice trembles, my throat going dry with every word I speak. 

I shudder, my knees going weak. I fall towards the ground but he catches me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. His skin is so cold. It feels like ice, soothing the pain. His touch is like water to a blazing wildfire, extinguishing the flames on impact. I almost think I hear a faint sizzle sparkling on my skin. 

I flutter my eyes open, staring deeply into his. 

"You're in heat, Love." He chuckles as if I am being dramatic. 

How could I be in heat? Heat only happens after you've met your mate. It only happens if you do not solidify the bond between you. I never experienced it, Aiden and I had already performed the ceremony before the time arrived. Now that he is dead, I should never experience it again.

My eyes pop out of my skull as my brain comes to the realization. 

"T-that's who you raised from the dead! Aiden is alive?" I exclaim, my shrieks echoing through the small bathroom. 

He scrunches his nose up at my noises, "Your mate?" Then he rolls his eyes, "If your mate were resurrected from the dead, believe me you'd feel it." He moves a strand of hair off of my shoulder, his knuckles grazing where my mark used to reside. His touch leaves a trail of a soothing cold tingle on my neck. "That would return." His voice is low, almost soothing. 

How is his touch so cold. Only the person's mate can control a heat. 

"You changed my fate!" I yelp out, shoving him off of me. I fall to the ground in a heaping mess, scooting away from him in shock. "Y-you're my mate?" I stammer out. 

That's the only thing that makes sense. Why else would he barge in, announce to me that I have gone into heat, and tell me that he has the medical touch to cure me?

The fiery fury erupts through my body in the absence of Cole's touch. Tears well in my eyes, but refuse to drop. He runs a hand through his golden brown hair, a small smile playing on his lips. He approaches me slowly.

He gives me a moment to breathe before he finally extends a hand out to me. His long slender fingers reach out to me as in invitation. 

"Let me help you, Heidi." He breathes out, his tone sounds defeated. I feel like a child throwing a fit.

The painful heat is so unbearable. I feel like I need to rip off all of my clothing and go live in a freezer for a few days. I have never felt this overwhelmed with temperature. I am convinced that I will never be cold again. Hell, I don't even remember what being cold feels like. 

I reluctantly grab his hand, my fingers sizzling on impact. He sits next to me on the floor of my bathroom. We lean against the wall directly next to the toilet. Not much for a pretty scene I guess. He wraps his arms around me and I lean my head on his chest. My hair is matted to my forehead from all of the sweat and I can feel mascara running down my cheeks. 

A hot mess, I know. 

I hardly blink before I realize we have been moved to my bed. He is sitting against the headboard as I lay across his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair gently, calming me instantly. 

"H-How did you become my mate?" I almost whisper, my body is still in shock. 

He chuckles quietly, his chest vibrating with laughter against my ear. I turn my head up to make eye contact with him. 

"I am not even of your species. I do not have a soulmate. I don't even have a soul." he finishes, wigging his eyebrows for effect as if he is telling me a scary bedtime story. 

"Then how is your touch able to help me? Only a mate can calm someone in heat." I furrow my eyebrows, waiting for his answer. 

"Magic, darling." Is his only response. 

Is he lying to me? Is he really my mate? I stare at the creature in front of me for a moment, as if I am waiting for him to disappear like he always does. For me to wake up from this dream. 

"Then why are you helping me?"

"I was supposed to help you before you even got to this state." he sighs deeply, his chest rising and falling, "But that mutt just wouldn't leave."

Rylan. He had insisted to stay with me. All that time, Cole was hiding in my bathroom. That means he heard me pee. My face flushes with a deep red embarrassment. 

"Why is your heart racing?" He raises an eyebrow. This causes my cheeks to redden even more. He brings up a finger, brushing it against my cheekbone. His icy touch is intoxicating against my boiling skin. 

I shake my head, hoping that will brush off his question. 

"If you're not my mate... Then who is?" I change the subject. 

He is silent for a minute, looking me deeply in the eyes. He examines my face for a moment, his eyebrows creasing together for a moment. 

"Who said you've been granted another mate? Maybe you're just special." he smiles, poking my nose with his finger. I wrinkle my face in response, not getting the answers I am wanting. 

I turn my head to get more comfortable, letting out a deep yawn. We sit there in silence, the only sounds are from our light breathing. The heat has let up, releasing me from it's fiery grasp. 

I bring my hand up to lay it on his chest. "Why did you come back for me? I thought you decided to eliminate me from your evil master plan?" I joke with him as I take in another yawn. 

I feel him shrug, "You remind me of a girl I used to know."

I turn my head back to look at him but he places a finger on my lips to silence me. My gaze flickers to his lips for a second. He brings his other hand back to the top of my head to run it through my hair once again.

"You should get some rest." he says, ending our conversation. I slide my head back down, cuddling further into his cold chest. 

I close my eyes and listen to his breathing. How could he live but not have a soul? 

I finally reach the brink of sleep with one more question burning in my mind. 

If he is not my mate... Then who is my mate?

Leave me a comment! She's getting closer and closer to finding out the truth!

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