Soup Happens

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"I got into UCLA," I screamed. 

All of my family irrupted in cheers around me. We were all in the kitchen when our mom came in with the mail. She didn't say anything as she handed me the envelope. 

We had talked about me staying in town for college, especially since Ash was about to have the baby. I wanted to be there for everyone. Plus it wasn't a big deal to me where I went to school. I was still going to get my degree no matter where. 

I applied to UCLA on a whim. I didn't think I would actually get in. Scarlett and I both applied just in case. It was the whole at least we tried scenario. Better try and fail than to always think about what if. I told my family when I applied just so they would know. But I never actually thought I could get in. 

"You know you have to go right?" Ash whispered into my ear. 

"What no! I can't leave you guys," I looked at her with a panicked expression. Did she seriously think that I would do that? 

"Desi we will always be here. But there is only one UCLA and it's your dream school you have to go," she pleaded. 

I looked around at all my family. They were all so supportive of each other. It was hard to deny the fact that they would really let me stay and go to school here. They would kick my ass if I even mentioned denying this opportunity. 

"You guys really think I should go?" They all gave collected nods. 

"You would be stupid not to," Quinn pointed out. 

"Incredibly stupid," Tory added as I rolled my eyes. 

"But if you wanted to stay we wouldn't blame you," mom said giving the girls a warning look. 

After a few moments, I finally let out a low breath before I spoke the words. "I think I want to go," I said it so quietly that I didn't know anyone heard. 

Dylan and Ash squealed in delight dancing around me. Quinn and Tory high fived while our dad gave our mom a proud hug. I began to dance with my sisters taking in the moment. It would be times like this that I would always remember. The Drake girls forever. 

After our short celebration, I called Scarlett and told her my plan. She was still waiting to hear back from them but it should be any day now. If she got accepted she already said she was going to go. That just left two other people I had to tell. 

Can I talk to you? 

I sent the text on a whim. I didn't think Drew would respond after our fight in class yesterday. He didn't show up at lunch today either, blaming working on his film. I really had hoped that was the actual reason. 

Without another thought, I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car. I turned up the volume to my music way too loud and sang along to every song. I was high on life, and for once it felt great. 

I knew where Nick lived because one time we stopped by his apartment before grabbing food. He had been sick and getting his shifts covered all week so I thought I would pick him up some food and surprise him. That, and telling him the exciting news about college. 

I picked up some soup from the diner we first ate at on our first date. Not only was it a fond memory I had of us, but they also had great food. I ordered some soup and garlic bread. A weird combination but it always did the trick when any of my family was sick. 

It was a short drive from the diner to Nick's apartment. Or maybe I was just really excited to talk to him. I climbed the stairs two at a time but had to pause before knocking on his door. No matter how in shape I was climbing up three flights of stairs made me lose my breath. 

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