A Girl Like You

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In the next few weeks, I tried to strategically avoid Dylan. It was pretty easy considering her hectic law school schedule. When she wasn't in class she was either locked in her room doing homework or at the library. She started to eat dinner with the family, but only on the nights I worked. Subtle move.

Ashton and I started arguing more and more about her secret that she wasn't sharing. When our mom tried to ask what we were fighting about we would just make something up. Tory would make a joke about Ash being the dramatic one. It would only cause the two to argue. Quinn, on the other hand, would just sit by and watch, observing. She was the quieter one out of all of us.

I started taking the long way home from work more often. Each time I hoped that I would see the familiar black Audi parked out front but I hadn't. The only other times I had seen Drew was during our ceramics class. We continued to make snarky remarks at each other or he would sit and record me failing at making a clay bowl. I swore he never left anywhere without his camera.

  "What are you thinking about," Nick nudged me.

"Huh, oh nothing," I mumbled trying to brush it off. Nick usually wasn't the one to ask about my personal life or anything like that. Since I cried in front of him he had been more curious about me.

I had to give it to him, I did like the attention from him. All the girls working here would give me jealous glares or even puppy dog eyes. I just laughed it off, sometimes they were unbelievable. He was just a coworker. A very hot coworker.

"Doesn't seem like nothing," he smiled.

"Just thinking about which movie tonight will be the busiest," I smiled back. This caused a spark in his eye. He loved playing this game. Placing bets on which movie would do the best especially on a Friday night.

We started to place our bets on what movie would do well versus which would do the worst. Whoever lost owed the other a milkshake we decided. I was secretly hoping I would win just this once. I never really cared to place bets, but since it was Nick how could I refuse?

I started to think about Scarlett and how she would love to have gotten in on the bet. Too bad she was upstairs running all the projectors and playing the movies. I could walk up there and tell her about it, but I felt bad leaving the guest service area.

"Well well well look what the cat dragged in," Nick clucked his tongue looking ahead of him. I met his gaze and was taken aback by a couple of guys standing in front of us.

"More like free will Nicky," Drew shrugged leaning against the counter. His gaze flicked to me and gave me a wink.

I walked up to the register trying to forget about Nick staring at Drew. What was that all about anyway? Drew was standing next to his friend Thomas.

I knew Thomas because was in a few of my classes. He was very tall and extremely muscular. He wasn't on any sports teams at school though, so I figured he just worked out on his own. He was a really nice guy, a little quiet but nice over the few conversations I've had with him throughout school.

"How can I help you two?" I asked politely.

"So do you come here often," he joked wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Oh you know here and there," I casually sighed. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Yeah me too. Although I'd rather be behind the camera than watching it," he leaned deeper onto the counter.

"Okay, Mr. Film Director what are you watching but would not rather watch today," I rolled my eyes.

"Can we get two to Avengers," Drew told me as he started to take ou this wallet. By the time he had gotten his card out I had already printed his tickets and was holding them out to him.

"Here on the house," I tried to hand them over but he refused.


"Take them," I groaned. I placed them onto the counter and slid them his way. His hands met mine and shoved them back towards me. I was shocked when our hands touched.

"I can't do that," he stated crossing his arms across his chest challenging me.

"Yes you can. Here its the least I can do," I pushed them back. I could see Thomas rolling his eyes but he wasn't saying anything.

"You really don't have to do that," he sounded like he was begging me not to. It looked like it pained him as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Drew its not a big deal just take them," now I sounded like I was begging.

"Here I'll take them," Thomas had to but in now. "Thanks, Desi you're awesome and we owe you," he gave me a small smile and tipped the tickets towards me to salute me.

"No problem," I smiled at Thomas while Drew gave me a death stare. I wiggled my fingers at him in response.

"You know Drew?" Nick snorted at me.

"Yeah we go to school together, why?"

"Oh nothing," he sighed. "I'm just surprised a girl like you would hang out with him."

I looked at Nick trying to decipher what he said. What did he mean girl like me? I hadn't known Drew very long and while he was extremely annoying he wasn't all that bad.

"A girl like me?" I looked at him.

"Nothing bad, just that you're really kind and sweet and it just didn't strike me that you would be into someone like Drew," he shrugged.

"What's wrong with Drew?" I eyed him warily. It seemed to me they have a past together. I was starting to think that it wasn't a good past either.

"I know he seems like a nice guy, but he's not really the guy you want to hang around," he explained to me with a tight smile. He also pats my shoulder as if I was his little sister.

"Hey, do you mind if I take my break," I asked him as I stare at Drew and Thomas in the concession stand line.

"Yeah sure, enjoy," he gave me another dazzling smile.

I thank him and take off across the lobby towards the back of the building. I think I heard Drew call out for me, but I ignored him. I needed to go talk to Scarlett about what had just happened. If anyone can find out anything it is Scarlett. I was sure she would be able to dig up any dirt on the situation.

This one is a shorter chapter but I did needed to put it in here!

Let me know your thoughts on how they know each other!


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