Chapter 35

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I've never been this lonely in my whole life.

I always had someone with me or for me, if they weren't physically there they would keep on checking on me every five minutes. Trust me it gets frustrating but now I would give anything to feel their presence or at least find that they are okay. I am worried about Flicker too, I just hope she's okay. I don't want them to hurt her, I'm willing to take her pain. Hell, I'll take the pain of everyone in my family and pack, I don't want them hurt. Not if I could do something about it.

Staying in this cell is starting to get on my nerves. Nothing changed here since I woke up, nobody came here. It's must be days or weeks, I don't know time really doesn't pass here. There's no way for me to know what's happening outside or if there is outside anymore. I know I'm being dramatic but it's been so long that I mostly forget that I have silver cuffs on my hands and feet and a chain is hobbling me. I don't feel the burn unless I make any unusual motion. I could walk almost normally without tripping on the chain as I did initially.

I haven't eaten anything or even heard any sound. The only source of light is the torches that keep burning because of some kind of magic. I… I don't know what to do.

I must have asleep as I jolted up at sounds of the metal door opening and in came Ulysses. His face was blank as he made his way to me and in an instant snatch the chain between my cuffs and dragged me out. I was too stunned to react. This was my first human (umm…he counts as a human) interaction and this isn't the way I thought it would go. He dragged me to an underground arena-like place and let go of my chain. I wasn't expecting that too so I fell. How so are my reflexes? Well, I could blame it on lack of food but I know that's not true. I was just too startled with all this that I didn't think of reacting anyway.

While I was still deep in my thoughts, I felt excruciating pain on my left leg as I stumbled to the ground. I look up to find him looking down at me with no expression at all like he didn't just hit me

"What the hell?" I screamed.

But I got no reply, he just kept down at me like waiting for me to get up, which I did with great struggle as I was reminded of the chain between my legs. I hadn't even stable on my two feet when the blow came again. This time with much more force and I fell this time face-first on the ground. I gasped as I felt cuff dug deep in my foot, so deep that I could swear I smell my burnt flesh under them. I grudgingly rolled to back to see him looking at me again. What the hell does he want?

This lasted a couple of hours until I couldn't get up. Each time was the same he would hit me and I would fell. Then he would keep starring me till I get up. And then the cycle would repeat. I'm grateful for the fact that he was using a bamboo stick instead of something sharp or metal, it didn't cut my skin except for the cut on my lips that I got from the fall, I only got bruised. I Goddess did I bruised. I don't think there is a single spot on my skin that doesn't have any bruise. This also told me something, I wasn't healing at my usual speed and I can't move a finger without getting hurt. That also means that I'm lying on the ground completely helpless with a man that beat me to a pulp completely disregarding the fact that I'm still cuffed.

I laid there for 5 minutes before he got bored and grabbed my hairs and dragged me back to my cell. Yeah, my cell, and I think it's going to be mine for a long time. He dropped me on the floor near the door and left after properly locking it. I don't think he really needed to lock the door as I don't even have the strength to lift my finger. At some point, I had closed my eyes and drifted off to restless sleep. Sound of door closing jolted me and I found a tray with food right beside me. Oh, wow they are finally feeding me after………after I don't know. But the biggest question is how the hell am I supposed to eat when I can't make my body to move.

I guess I don't have any other choice but to try. My body is already weak with loss of food and with the beating I got today. And with this new and amazing healing power, I need a lot of strength in order to survive. And I had to survive it's not a choice. I still not know what happened to my family and what is going to happen to me.

I gather all my strength which to be honest wasn't much and lift my broken and beaten body up. It took me five to six attempts to lift my body and lean on bars of the door. Task one complete now next challenge how to bring food to my mouth. I take a look at the plate it didn't have much some boiled vegetables, bread and rice noodles with soup, juice and water bottle. Water, how could I not realize how thirsty I was before seeing it. I took that first with my shaky hands and gulped down some. Already, feeling a bit better I took my time in eating the rest of the food.

The biggest irony of this situation was, I was the alpha of one of the biggest pack, I was supposed to be strong and dangerous and yet here I was cuffed in silver while my captors didn't even think of me as some who could use a fork or something while attempting in escaping. Well, that does sound stupid even in my head, what good a fork would be against this immortals, especially when I couldn't even move to save my life.

This routine lasted seven days, each day the same as earlier. I had bruises over bruises and I can bet that I'm all black and blue as each day I would be dragged to the arena then get beaten to a pulp and left in my cell. At some point, someone would drop food and water and I would drift to sleep after finish eating. I was sleeping on the cold hard floor almost where Ulysses would drop me. And how I know how many days had passed, by judging the numbers of meal they had given me. And if I'm not wrong they only fed me once a day.

Goddess, I'm really in hell.

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