Chapter 30

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"Well, we are fucked."

That's the only thing in my mind right now. Elders know about all this mess and arranged a meeting for it. I can't help but feel that something bad is going to happen, as elders don't usually interfere with pack war until or unless it's something really bad or disastrous. I can't let anyone take him away from me even if it's elders or moon goddess herself. He is mine, I'll be damned before letting anyone take him away from me.

I was too deep in my head when I felt arms around my waist as someone pulled me in their embrace and whispered in my ears, "Everything is okay Eddy. We are all here safe and we will remain that way. Just try to relax."

Relax. I don't think I can relax when everyone and everything is in danger.
"I can't."

"Yes, you can. Just follow my lead and take a deep breath. In and out."

I tried following him and after a few seconds, I managed to relax a bit.


"Yes, and I'm sorry I shouldn't be panicking like this. I'm supposed to calm everyone not the other way around. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Eddy. You reacted in a way anyone would have. Trust me I would have been worse." Dad told me, but somehow I don't find it true. But I still nodded.

"Okay let's go in and someone please tell me what is going on. Cause I don't understand anything."

We went inside, Adrien still holding like I would break if he let me go. And he's not wrong. I still can't get hold of the fact that they could take him away from me, they have the power to do so. They could even split Kyle and Stephen. And if we went there who would protect the pack.

Adrien took me to the nearest couch and asked, "Well, please tell me what's the deal with the elders?"

"Elders the name suggest eldest of our kind and some other…… umm.. supernaturals and they formed a council that provides guidance to all of us. They are responsible for maintaining peace between different species.", dad explained.

" It is said that they can contact with Moon Goddess. And she herself has given them the responsibility of preventing any drastic situation.", Tyler continues to explain.

"Okay, but how is their appearance here means we are fucked?"

"They don't usually interfere with pack businesses, so their coming here when there is a possibility of war, can't be a coincidence. Since they have the power of breaking the bond between mates…" I told him.

He looked shaken with all the information and took a minute or two to digest what we told him. I can see all the emotions changing in his eyes then they settle for something close to relief.

"Well, then it's a good thing that I'm not part of the supernatural community. They may break the bond but that couldn't stop me from being with you."

"Someone needs to talk to Kyle about all this mess. And that someone is not me. Dad? Tyler? Any of you want to break the news to him?"

Nope was all the reply I got from Tyler and dad. Well, let's just say he was there a second ago and then he was not. That only left us with one responsible person. Jay.

Jay will talk to Kyle about this, and we need to have a pack meeting to discuss what happened and what safety measures would be taken in our absence. Who will lead the defence then?

And I need to check on Stephen after Jay told Kyle about all this and Kyle has cool down. And I also need to calm a wolf who is constantly whimpering in my head.

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