Chapter 10

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It didn't surprise you when you cracked your eyes open and found the clock reading 11:35 in angry red numbers. Rolling over, you brought the covers over your head to block out the annoying light from the annoying sun shining in through the annoying window. You heard a low chuckle behind you.

Rolling back over, you peeked through the fluffy blankets just enough to see Yoongi staring at you with wide eyes through a tiny slit in his blankets. Practically a mirror image.

"You look like an owl," he commented, bringing the blankets down just enough so he could talk clearly.

The soft rays of the morning sun streamed in from the window behind you and his face was soaked with wet light, casting his features into a deep golden glow and suddenly sunlight wasn't so annoying anymore. Not if it gave you a view like this.

You lowered your blankets just a little as well so you could give him a pout. He chuckled again. His voice was deep, not as deep as Taehyung's, but the raspiness of having just woken up and the thickness of sleep made him sound so, so appealing in that moment that you had to physically restrain from climbing into his bed.

"We should get up," he said, making absolutely no move to get up. You shook your head violently in protest. "The others have probably eaten breakfast. If we're lucky, the maknaes may have left something for us to eat." You smiled at that thought.

Eventually, you did roll out of your fluffy fortress and readied for the day. Yoongi gave you a new toothbrush to use, the kind you get from the dentist's as a kid, and you dressed in yesterday's clothes as the hotel had washed and dried them for you.

Yoongi was right that only a small portion of a massive feast had been left for you. Still, it was more than you usually ate and you were stuffed after 3 pancakes and a croissant. As you finished washing your dish, Ivy texted you letting you know she was at the hotel.

'Try not to scream too loud.' you texted back. She knocked on the hotel door where you had gathered the other members. You let her in and watched in amusement as she realized who she was looking at. Several awkward introductions and a somewhat sad see you soon after, you were in her car and heading back to your apartment.

"You didn't tell me you knew BTS! That's huge!" Ivy screamed at you in the car.

"I didn't want to tell you over Skype. Plus, you can't tell anyone," you signed. She promised and you spent the rest of the ride recounting the whole night in detail.


Over the next few weeks, you visited Yoongi a number of times. Most of those times consisted of sitting in his hotel room with takeout and a crappy Netflix movie. Those nights typically ended in you falling asleep after either a peaceful movie-watching (rare) or (more often) a heated debate over which Shrek movie was the best. It became routine for you to show up at his suite with horribly unhealthy junk food while he searched for the most terrible movie on Netflix.

Even after the move to Seoul you continued the routine. Every Friday night, without fail, he would be at your apartment, since the dorm was crowded. You and Ivy had agreed to get separate apartments considering Seoul apartments were smaller and you were grown adults. Also, you wanted a space for just you and Yoongi.

The move went smoother than you imagined thanks to Bighit sending a couple movers to help you out and get you situated, You imagined that Bighit wanted you to be as comfortable as possible considering you were changing your life. And also because if you were happy, then Yoongi wasn't worrying about you and could focus on his work.

You found out about that second bit after you jokingly mentioned to Yoongi once during movie night that you felt weird without your coffee machine. You'd had to leave it behind as it was old and there was just no more room in the moving van. It hadn't even been a day after when you arrived at your apartment to find a new coffee machine on your doorstep with a letter from Bangtan's manager. The letter mentioned that Yoongi would not shut up about you and your coffee machine for three hours so Bighit agreed to buy you one if he would be quiet and focus on dance practice. You of course wrote an email back thanking him and telling him that it wasn't necessary. During movie night, you brought it up with Yoongi and giggled when he became flustered. However, you did get him to promise not to make Bighit buy you stuff anymore.

Sejin made Yoongi see a soulmate specialist about his tattoo, just to be sure that nothing was wrong. According to Dr.Kim, it was unclear what form of sign language you would use as many people have their own variations of the language, so tattoo waited until first contact to appear. With the confusion cleared up, the manager left you two alone to spend time as you wished.

One regular Friday night, Yoongi showed up at your door dressed in fancy casual clothing and holding a purple lily rather than the usual takeout. He handed you the flower as soon as you opened the door.

"While I like the flower, I'm not sure we can eat this for dinner," you wrote. With all the promotions going on and a comeback coming up, Yoongi had no time to learn sign language, so you were still using writing to communicate.

"Get dressed. We're going out. You have 30 minutes," he said simply, taking the flower from your hand and shooing you towards that bathroom.

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