Chapter 2

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Your POV

Your first day of work had gone relatively well. School was still 2 months away, but the faculty wanted to have a meeting to discuss plans for the upcoming year. Mrs.Park had ensured that everyone in her staff was fluent in at least understanding sign language (she had a daughter who was deaf and that was important to her) which led a smooth conversation with the other staff members. They were all lovely people, especially the cute chemistry teacher. Wasn't your soulmate though. It was too bad. He really was cute.

You entered your shared flat to find your roommate, and best friend Ivy, in the hallway trying to tie a knot in a balloon. She looked up as you gently shut the door behind you.

"Y/N! You're early. Did the meeting go well?" she asked, letting go of the balloon to give you a hug. The balloon sputtered around the room before landing deflated on your face.

"It did, thanks," you signed with the balloon still covering your eyes. She laughed and took the balloon back, throwing it on the kitchen counter.

"Well, since you're already here, I guess there's no use in putting up any more surprise decoration," she mused, looking around the room. You dropped your bag on the counter as you took in the streamers on the walls of the living room and the Happy Birthday banner that was already falling down.

"Ivy, you didn't have to do this! Thank you so much! I totally forgot it's my birthday today. I've been so busy lately with the new job and all," you signed. She smiled at you and dragged you into the living room where a cake sat in the middle of the coffee table.

"You don't turn 24 everyday, Y/N," she reprimanded. "You need to celebrate."

She sang happy birthday to you in a terrible singing voice and then grabbed a chunk of the cake with her hand. She smiled evilly as you raised your hands and started signing "no" frantically. She grinned and you received a face and hair full of cake and icing. Thus, neither of you actually ate any cake and instead wore the chocolate pastry.

After you had cleaned off and changed into some comfy clothes, Ivy turned on the tv and flipped to the show you had both been waiting for. Your birthday had fallen on the same day as the BTS concert in your city, but tickets had run out too fast. So you opted to watch the live stream on tv instead.

The concert began fabulously, and the boys dance their hearts out. You and Ivy stood up to try to copy their dances and failed miserably, laughing the whole time.

Yoongi POV

Yoongi just wanted the concert to be over. The whole tour, really. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy performing or being with fans. He did. But the day had worn him out and all he wanted was to crawl into his own bed. Not some hotel bed in an unknown city far from home. They were performing in this city for the first time, so a huge crowd had come out for the show and the audience's singing provided him with enough energy to finish the song.

With sweat dripping from his forehead, he swept into the final position of the song, breathing heavily. He broke the pose once the cheers had died down. Finally . The last song had ended. All that was left was thanking the audience. The other members ran forward, putting their hand out and running along the edge of the stage as fans screamed and stretched forward for a millisecond of skinship with their idols.

Yoongi followed suite. Running his hand down the right side of the stage. He nearly tripped when one fan held onto his wrist with an iron grip. He smiled at her and tugged his wrist away gently, but not before she had dug her nails into his skin tape and tore off the first layer as he yanked his hand back in panic.

Other fans had surrounded the offender, scolding her and asking Yoongi if he was alright, but Yoongi didn't see or hear them. All he could think of was if anyone had caught a glimpse of his naked wrist. He mindlessly stood up and walked backstage as fans called his name, asking was he okay.

He was not okay.

First Words (BTS - Yoongi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now