Chapter 1

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*originally posted on AO3

Your POV

You tugged the sleeve of your sweater down further, desperately trying to hide the words on your wrist. This was the biggest opportunity of your life and those words were not going to ruin this. The interviewer smiled at you from the other side of the table.

"I'd like to offer you the job, Y/N," she said, reaching her hand out to shake.

"Thank you," you signed before putting your right hand out as well. As you shook hands, your sleeve rolled down and inch and she caught a glimpse of your tattoo. You watched the disapproving look appear and disappear in a second. You were used to it, though. People had been giving it to you all your life.

"You will have to cover that with a bracelet or wristwatch, of course," she said, pasting the smile, this time a little less real, back on her face. "We can't have the kids seeing that, you understand."

"Of course, Mrs.Park. I understand. Thank you for the job," you signed back to her. You left the principal's office with a smile on your face. You had finally gotten a job you could excel at, teaching sign language to high schoolers. It wasn't that you loved children. Rather, it was one of the few jobs you felt you could easily perform as a mute person.

You looked down at the tattoo, seeing the wretched words written in beautiful cursive script. What the fuck? The words glared back at you. Those three little words had nearly ruined your chance at this job. Sighing, you pulled your sleeve back down and drove home to prepare for school reopening in 2 months.

Yoongi POV

Min Yoongi was a broken man. Or so he told himself. There was no dark ink to contrast his pale skin. Not like his friends had. Not like everyone else in the world had. He had gone to bed excited the night before his 5th birthday and woken up the next morning in tears. His wrist was still blank.

His parents had assured him that it was okay. That sometimes it wouldn't appear immediately. That it took time. That the universe was still deciding on who would be his perfect match because he was such an amazing kid that not just anyone would do.

But then the day passed. And so did two more. Then a week, a month, a year, and still nothing. His parents had lost interest in him, believing that someone who was not even worth a soulmate would never have a chance at succeeding in life. They never told them that to his face, or expressed it openly, but he noticed it in the way that his brother always received the more expensive clothes, the nicer toys, more attention.

When he told them he wanted to pursue music, they didn't bat an eye. Just a shrug and "Sure, whatever you want to do." So he left, determined to make something of his life. To prove that not having a soulmate didn't mean the end of the world or that he was a terrible person.

He met his group, formed BTS with them, and won award after award together. He released his mixtape, pouring out all his emotions into his music, and watched as it ranked higher and higher on the charts. He had everything. A successful career, money, friends, fans. So why wasn't he happy?

Yoongi rolled over in bed, trying to block out the sunlight streaming in. It worked, but only for two minutes until his roommate Jin barged in demanding that he get up. Something about making breakfast and needing to eat. Jin paused his rant has noticed Yoongi staring blank faced at his bare wrist.

"Hey. You need to stop," Jin said softly, coming to sit on floor in front of him. Yoongi didn't reply, remaining motionless on the bed. "This isn't healthy. Not having a soulmate isn't the worst thing in the world. Besides, we're idols. It's not like we can date anyway."

"Hyung, you know they allow dating for soulmates," Yoongi muttered.

"Still. This isn't okay. You're not okay," Jin reached his hand out to Yoongi's, but the younger only flinched and pulled it back to his chest.

"I'm fine, hyung. You can go. I'll eat your damn breakfast," Yoongi said.

"No. No you're not fine. I mean, have you even listened to your mixtape? We all heard it, Yoongi. We all heard the words you sang and we know that you are the farthest thing from fine. Let us help you, Yoongi. At least let us find someone for you to talk to," Jin said, grasping Yoongi's wrist.

Yoongi swung it out of his hold like his touch burned him. "I said I'm fine! Now will you leave?! Please."

Jin sighed before standing up and leaving the bedroom. Yoongi pressed his face into the pillow and then stood up to face the day.

He wrapped his wrist with skin tape, the way all idols did. It was to prevent fans from seeing the words and trying to force soulmates. Some idols chose to reveal their tattoo, others were pressured by fans to remove their tape. Yoongi himself had been asked several times to remove the tape. He supposed it was ironic. Having to go through the effort of taping his wrist when there was nothing to cover.

The other members of Bangtan were halfway through breakfast when Yoongi walked. By the way they fell silent, he guessed that Jin had told them about the morning's incident.

"Morning, hyung!" Taehyung crowed. A series of "morning, hyung"s followed and Yoongi sat down to breakfast as the regular conversation started up again.

First Words (BTS - Yoongi x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant