Extra 0.1

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Alec Judeous Castilleon.

I'm the commander of the military here in this kingdom. Together with my best friend, the crown prince and.the prime minister, we strive to make the kingdom prosperous and safe.

Now you may be wondering why I knew that my wife's soul was not a part of this world.

It's because I read my life in a novel.

I got a wife fro convinience and left her after getting her pregnant. When I was in the army, I came across a worn out book and to tell you, I wasn't really keen on reading books

Especially romance type.

But the characters caught my attention.

And when I read further, I suddenly realized that I am living inside of a book. It was sudden at first, but the information on the book was too real.

Too life like.

I was mad.

I didn't know what to think of this situation, I was getting crazy looking for answers.

Unlike in the novel, I didn't meet the female lead because I was busy looking for answers. I was getting impatient and then I realized that I'll never get an answer.

It's a novel for f*cking sake.

And I'm the lead character in here.

I don't know what to think of it, I just remembered being frustrated and angry. I also felt pity at the characters in this book, mostly my wife.

To think I would cheat from my wife and kill her.

The book is too ridiculous for me and I burned it after reading. If it's on the wrong hand, everything that me and my friends worked hard to do will go down the drain.


I met her eyes.

Well I made her.

It was different.

I knew it was different the moment her eyes looked right into me. Her eyes is hiding something, I knew it.

Her actions further deepen my suspicion that she's not from here.

And that she knew the story.

At first, I was getting all caring and loving to her to ease my guilt away from my future actions. But as time passes by, she doesn't seem to interesting anymore, her actions and her eyes captivated me.

I was hooked by her.

I didn't know what to do at these unknwon feelings. I felt like I was stranded in an unknown land and all I could do was to search for a familiar scene or anything.

Just anything to hold or I'm afraid I will fall and no one will be able to catch me.


I feel it.

The distance she's implicitly making.

She knows the story so of course she would be cautious of me, or even resent me. But I don't care, I'll make her like me.

I'll make her feel this unknown feelings that I am having.

I'll make sure of it.

Part 2 will still be Alec's POV so stay tuned!!

Thank you for greeting my friend the other day, she was really really thankful. I love you people!!

I hope this chapter answered your questions and if there is still some questions, just ask and comment.

I'll try my best to answer all of you.

Thank you for supporting this book, really. It's been a great pleasure to know that there are people supporting my story.


Thank you!

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