|| E I G H T E E N ||

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Happy 1k read people! Thank you for your love and support!

Edit: It's now a million, wow! Thank you so much, people!


After Amy took the twins, I and Luci went to a boutique I just found a year ago. It was situated on the corner of the street and was only known by locals. The boutique has a long history of making gowns for every people no matter what their status is.

It was only a pity that the boutique was seen as too cheap in the nobilities eyes.

Making my way into the store, I rang the bell and waited for Augustina, the owner of the boutique.

She is a woman in her early fifties with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. She was also humble and strict, but she can also be soft and hard at the same time. I think I have a good affinity with her because she reminds me of my grandmother in my past life.

"Greeting to Duchess Castellion- oh, greetings to my lady, may I have the pleasure of knowing the name of this lady?" Her warm voice immediately made me feel homey and I answered.

"This is my best friend Luci Rosenberg"

"Oh pardon my words earlier Lady Rosenberg" she immediately bowed

"It's fine" Luci coldly state and I could feel her nerves tensing. She looks like she's angry but in all honesty, she just looks nervous.

"She's nervous" I grinned cheekily at Augustina.

"It seems, well do you want to check some of the dresses. I've got a lot of them"

In the past year and a half, I discovered her boutique and it was just the greatest thing that I discovered after romancing the streets of this kingdom.

She took us into a wardrobe full of dresses and I just can't help but open my jaws to sheer amazement. Every dress was beautiful with different colors and styles.

"Thank you Augustina" she left us and I immediately started our search for the right dress.


"Do you really think it's good?"

"Of course it is! You have such a nice hourglass figure and you also have the curved in the right places! If I was a man I would have courted you long ago!" I said as I giddily look at Luci.

She was wearing a trumpet dress and that's it, no more teaser for you people.

"Well, why don't you find a dress for yourself?" She asks as she took the dress off of her body.

"I already found mine" I smiled ambiguously at her.

She shook her head with a grin and we both paid for our dress. Luci no longer looks nervous at Augustina and even smiled at her.

We both parted ways and I immediately took my dress into the mirror and smiled at the perfectness of it.

This dress suits me.

It hugs my body and acted like a second skin. It pairs well with my eyes and I was so glad to take this dress.


"Don't come in!" I immediately panicked.

Of course, the only person allowed to even open and not knocked in the master's bedroom is the master itself. I am trying to keep my dress a secret and reveal it at the party.

"What is it?" His voice wasn't loud enough for everyone to hear and felt like a whisper to me.

"Um... I-I was just tr-trying my new dress and um... I want it to be a surprise" I mumble incoherently.

He just hummed and closed the door while I sighed in relief. Thankfully, he can be a gentleman sometimes.

Then he opened it.

Now I take it back. He's not a gentleman! He's an uncultured beast!

His eyes narrowed as his gaze traveled from my feet up to my head. I felt like he was doing some kind of scan into me.

Every time his eyes look at some part of my body, I could feel myself going and heating up. This sensitive body of mine is a real issue! I don't even know how this body got so sensitive but maybe it was because this guy nurtured that made it like this.

He started walking towards me and I can't help but back up when all of a sudden, my foot slipped into my dress and ended up falling into the bed.

I really wished for the ground to swallow me down.

"You're not wearing them at the party" his eyes bore into mine as his face was in front of me.

My eyes turned into a half-crescent moon and say.

"No can do husband"

Seriously! Thank you people for loving this story! I know there are some grammatical errors here and there and the story isn't perfect all over but still, thank you for the love and support!

Anyways, please.do comment because I really love reading your comments!

Edit: I'm sorry for not replying to all comments, I only have two hands and blurry vision. Forgive me.


Thank you!

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