Part 37

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After dinner I went back to the training room and had a few rounds of archery, still unable to fully defeat the hard core mode. I nodded to a few guards who I didn't know but had become familiar with seeing as they were training to.

Some used the punching bag and others were fighting in pairs with swords. The clink of blades and echo of every punch was rhythmic and calming as I focused on my archery.

After a final round, still unsuccessful at completing the last level, I returned the bow and arrows to their place.
Later at dinner Princess Charlotte had a chat to me and we had agreed to spend some time together so she insisted I hang out with her in her room.

I made my way up to the fourth floor and was greeted with the stern faces of 2 guards. One placed out a hand in my path to stop me.

"Excuse me miss, only royals are allowed to access these chambers." The one on the left said, the other stepping in front of me to block my path.

"I'm meeting with the princess." I try to explain but they stop me still, not allowing me to pass.

"The Princess needs to give clearance in advance. Which she hasn't." The one on the right says gruffly, his stubble on his beard giving him a scary demeanour. The both looked extremely intimidating and serious.

I grumble, about to retreat downstairs when I notice another figure coming down the hall.

Queen Kate sees me and smiles, "There you are dear, I was looking for you." She gives me a wink and looks to the guards with a stern gaze, "I hope you weren't giving Miss Isabelle any trouble."

The guards cower, stepping aside to let me through as she puts a hand on my shoulder. Her warm brown eyes and happy smile makes me feel good as she leads me past the guards.

"I'm sorry about those guards, they are just trying to do their job." Queen Kate whispered to me once we were out of earshot.

"It's alright. But thank you all the same, your majesty." I say and look up at the queen with a grateful smile.
Her posture alone gives off the impression she is important, and she really carries herself well.

"Anytime dear, if your looking for the prince he's in his fathers office." She pointed to a room down to the left of where we stood.

"I'm actually here to see the princess." I say and the queen doesn't seemed too surprised.

"Ah, well her room is just down the hall, second one on the left." She says, motioning to the other direction.

I nod and give her a quick curtsey before hurrying down the hall to the room the queen pointed out.
As I pushed it open I was hit with the smell of perfume and nail polish.


Princess Charlotte's room was nothing like her brothers. It was really a princess's room.
Pink everything and a massive bed with drapes over the top. Gold accents on all the furniture and every accessory.
The princess herself was curled up on the bed with a small jar of nail polish on the table beside her.

"So, what have you been up to today?" She asks, shuffling over so she is sitting on the side closer to me, away from the spilt polish and puts a cloth over it to soak it up.

"Checking out the training facilities, trying to get my mind off everything." I say, and Charlotte's nods with a friendly smile.

"I can't do much of the training, Thomas says you need to at least be 18 to use some of the equipment, so mostly all I can do is use a punching bag." The Princess says with a frown, rolling her eyes at the rule.

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