Chapter 1 - Past Problems

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"How did you get such good judgment?"


"Well where'd you get the experience from?"

"Bad judgement."

What's the Worst Thing That's Ever Happened to You?

Bad days. Everyone has bad days. Sometimes they're your fault. Sometimes they aren't. Either way, they happen and you wish they hadn't.

I've had bad things happen to me. I've also made a lot of my own mistakes. A lot. Things that didn't have to happen but by my own hand they were done. None were fatal but some have resulted in permanent conditions (in case you were wondering, the story at the beginning is true).

These problems took my life to places I never wanted it to go. I lost dreams, opportunities and things I really, really wanted. To the outside world, I might have seemed fine but inside I was screaming. Crippled by the pain of Past Problems and cursed with a mind that would not let them go. Over and over, I would replay each situation in my head, wishing I could have done something different, re-living the pain each time. Eventually, I looked in the mirror and asked, 'What am I doing wrong?'

I was desperate for a solution. It got to the point that if I didn't find an answer, I wasn't sure if I would live much longer. Overwhelmed by a crushing level of anxiety and regret, I needed a way to resolve the pain of the past and change my life for the better.

Have you ever felt this way before? Maybe you've tried. You've tried to find the answers, but nothing made a difference. You've run into so many walls and obstacles that you think there is no solution. You aren't sure if you want to scream in rage or cry because it's the only thing that will relieve the pressure from the ball of frustration sitting in your chest. Maybe you're feeling a sense of hopelessness, as if nothing you try is working. That the dark clouds will never leave.

I will tell you this now – do not be afraid. I found my solution, and I'm going to share it with you.

Today my life is completely different. I am different. I think differently. I act differently. I feel stronger than ever before. I escaped the pain of my Past Problems because I made an amazing discovery. The tools I developed allowed me to not only heal my pain but draw out everything that was valuable from those experiences. To literally turn pain into power.

Is this what you've been looking for?

Over countless hours working on myself, I boiled this system down to its core elements. It is a tool for you to take painful experiences, problems in your life, mistakes you've made, regrets you have, abuse, shame, negativity – all the bad stuff in your life that is causing you heartache - and turn each one of them into your most valuable assets. You will notice yourself changing right before your own eyes. From cocoon to beautiful butterfly.

Don't believe me?  Do you think your problems are somehow special?  Do you think you're simply not strong enough to escape the demons pulling you down?  

I know it might seem hard to believe that there is a way out. You're afraid to get your hopes up again because you've done it before and whatever you tried didn't work. That feeling of failure is so painful and discouraging that you don't want to try again.  You're afraid you'll fail again. Maybe you think you should just give up and accept that this is the way life is.

Well that is a lie.  Let me tell you what you are missing. You don't need to have all the strength, energy and answers today. You don't. You don't need to be strong enough to climb up the entire mountain today. You just need to be strong enough to take a single step. One step. Once you take that first step, the process is simultaneously moving you higher and making you stronger. Inevitably you will reach the top.

This is your first step. Keep going and you will succeed.

A word of caution. If you are looking for a quick solution, this isn't it. This is the slower path. The results will build gradually, and it will take longer, but you are more certain to succeed. Rather than climbing straight up with the hardest, fastest route, this is hiking up the mountain. The route is so simple, anyone can do it. You're guaranteed to succeed if you give it enough time. Remember, this isn't the Olympics. There are no rewards for extra difficulty. You just need something that works. And frankly, who cares if it takes longer? Isn't the point to find the answers to your problems? Isn't that what really matters? Let other people inflate their egos by doing it the 'right way'. To me, the right way is the way that gets you where you want to be.

You might be asking, well, if it's so simple, how come other people haven't figured it out yet? How come so many people are stuck with problems in their life for years and no one has helped them out? Who is to blame?

You should blame stupid children. Oh, and your brain.

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