Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Mike and Layla are downstairs while Phoebe, Abe and I sit in the bedroom talking. Actually Phoebe and Abe are doing the talking, I'm listening. I want to contribute to the converstion but I don't have anything interesting to add. I've never really been around children my age except for Phoebe. 

At the moment there talking about school and all of the things they have been doing. Phoebe continues her rant "I love my teacher, she's so great!" 

Abe make's a face. "My teacher is mean! We had to finish playtime early so we could do  numbers." He pouts from the unfairness of it all. I simply chuckle at his expression. There are much worse things than missing out on playtime but to him it obviosly seems like the end of the world.

Phoebe giggles "My teacher is so much better than yours!" She taunts.

Abe scowls in fustration but quickly changes the subject. "Let's play hide and seek!"

Phoebe nods enthusiastically "Yeah." I've never played hide and seek before so I presume it's a game they play at school. Sounds self explanitry to me though. Some people hide, others try to find them. 

Abe points at me "Your're seeking, count to ten!" 

Phoebe looks at him dubiously "That isn't long enough, pick something bigger!"

Abe blushes furiously "I can't remember any bigger ones." He admits.

Phoebe rolls her eyes "Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen..."

Abe interupts "Fine smarty pants! You pick a number"

Phoebe thinks, "Thirty and no peeking! She points at me. "Your only allowed to hide upstairs and count slowly."

I turn around and begin to count in my head. I hear shrieks as they run away quickly there feet pattering on the carpet. I hear them open the bathroom door and turn on the light, furious whispering insues as they argue. Then they change there minds going into Mike's room. I hear a scuffle that sounds like there crawling under the bed.

"Twenty-nine, Thirty!" I exclaim.

I humour them and pretend to look in all of the other rooms. I make a big noise so they known I'm looking elsewhere. When I come to check the bed I duck down and see Abe and Phoebe croched down in a strange position. There arms and legs curled up at a odd angle so they fit between various objects under the bed. 

I shake my head at them and help them out. "Who did you see first?" Phoebe asks. I point at Abe. Phoebe turns to him "Count to ten three times."

Abe nods and starts to count aloud. "One, Two..."

I follow Phoebe as she goes into our room and opens the cupbored. There is a part to hang up clothes and a shelf underneath. I climb into the shelf and Phoebe sits amongst the clothes. "Shhh..." She whispers lthough neither of us are making much noise.

I hear Abe finish his count down "Ten! Ready or not, here I come!"

We're hiding for quite a while when Abe yells to us "I give up!" Phoebe and I crawl from our places. Abe asks "Where were you?" Phoebe points and Abe's eyes widen "Why didn't I think of that!" Phoebe and I burst out laughing at his expression and then Abe joins in with our laughter. We only stop when we are called from downstairs. 

As we enter the room the first thing I notice is Layla's expression. It gives you the impression she's not sure if she wants to laugh or cry. She's about to speak but Mike cuts in first "Your grandmothers funeral plans area all in her will. But they need your moms signiture."

I shrug "I've forged her signiture before, many times." My eyes prickle at the mention of my grandmother but I don't cry, Phoebe however does. I ruffle her curls and whisper soothing words to her.

The tears ease and Mike continues. "To avoid forgery you have to sign it in person with identification."

My face falls. Theres no getting around that one. Layla seems to read my thoughs "But there is one way..."

"No!" Abe and I yell after Layla reveals her plan. Phoebe is rolling on the floor laughing... litterally.

Layla protests "Why not? Plus it's the only way."

Abe and I glance at each other. She's right. Thats how we find ourselves in the car parked outside the funeral parlour. With an over sized coat and a stolen passport. 

Layla and Mike help me out of the car carrying all of my weight, but to others it looks like I'm walking. They hold me at adult level and the long coat disguises my childish features. I have make-up plastered on my face and a large hat. At the bottom of the long coat is Abe, I stand on his shoulders. He can't carry me for very long by himself, hence Layla and Mike's help.

If you haven't already guessed I'm pretending to me my mother, however since I lack age and height I'm resting my feet on Abes sholders and the make-up and hat should make me look a lot older. But since Abe can't carry me for too long Mike and Layla have to hold me up.

We walk awkwardly into the shop. Thank god I had the good sense to wear jeans. I smile at the man behind the desk. I put on my grown-up voice and say "I am Rose Riley. I have come to sign for the funerel plans." I hold up the passport as identification. He nods obviously fooled by our charade.      

I gradually rest my weight on Abes shoulders and I nod at Mike and Layla to let go. I clutch the edge of the desk tightly. The man comes back with the form and I take the pen he offers and sign the form in my mothers signiture. He then says "Thats all Ms. Riley, everything else can be aranged by Phone." I nod. The minute he leaves I wave Layla and Mike over and we hurriedly flee the scene of the crime. 

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