Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Layla is still chatting with Mike. The serious conversation has evaporatred but I don't have the heart to join in. Phoebe still isn't back and it’s gone eleven. I listen to the clock as it ticks the time away. 

I look on curiously as Layla walk out of the room followed by Mike. I fidget in my seat for a moment before giving in. I creep upto the kitchen door and listen in.

"Hey." Mike mumbles. "What you doing?"

"Making tea." Layla answers. 

I imagine Mike making a disgusted face. I then hear the clattering of cupboards being opened and closed. "I didn't know you had a brother." Layla comments.

I frown in confusion. How did she guess? Then I remember the photo album in one of the kitchen cupboreds. If she got curious, brought out the album, she would have seen Luke, Mikes brother.

He replies coolly "I don't."

"Then who is he." Layla asks a confused tilt to her voice.

Mike stares at me. "Luke."

"Are two you related?" She further questions. I wince as I wait for the enevitable.

He snaps "Don't ask I won't lie." I imagine her shrinking back from his stare. He's actually kind of menacing sometimes. Mike sighs and explains "There’s some things you'd rather not know."

Layla whisper yells, mindful of me, who is supposed to be in the next room. "I can judge that myself, I don't need protecting!"

Mike says emotionlessly "That’s what you think."

I hear footsteps as Layla walks over to him. "Tell me." She demands. "There’s no reason for you not to!"

"No reason huh?" Mike says bitterly. "That's my brother, Luke. He was murdered by my father when he was fifteen. Still think there’s no reason?" I can't resist. I silently open the door. Layla throws her arms around Mike and they stand there just holding each other. Layla eventually leans back and pecks him on the cheek. "Feel better?"

He grins at her "Nope, maybe once more." She scowls playfully at him and brings her lips to his for a moment. Mike has a queer look on his face. She gives him a questioning look. He asks "Are you really not bothered by what I just said?" He asks.

"Is your father in jail?" She asks and he nods. 

She replies "Then yeah I'm good, just worried about you." And it’s true. The look on her face is so innocent and truthful there is no way she can be lying.

He shakes his head. "You’re unbelievable."

She smiles and replies "Yeah, I know."

I quickly and silently slip away. When they come back in they both seem normal so it hasn't created any kind of rift between them, I'm glad.

Mike and Layla become in deep discussion and there occasional glances at the time become more frequent. I don't even bother to look away. I lock my gaze onto the hands that drag around the clock.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Layla and Mike share a look and stand up together, almost as if they had it planned beforehand. Maybe they did. "Get your coat Emma." Layla’s soft, clear voice cuts through the air. Without question I take my jacket and slide it on over my pyjamas. 

Layla takes my hand and I let myself be lead like a small child. She takes me to her car. I release her grip so I can climb into the passenger seat.

Layla looks down at me in concern. "Don't you need a car seat?"

I look at her to see if she's joking. A combination of worry and disbelief make me start laughing. "Layla I think my car seat or lack thereof is very low on my list of priority’s right now."

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