Chapter 12 Jack Likes Mini Ritz

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"That's Mate, to you!"

He bursts through the door. "So my butler can call you that, though?"

"Yes, that's right."

He points a finger gun at me. "Now, that's just not fair."

"Now, it is," I say, imitating him. "I never gave you permission to."

"Your own mate can't call you your nickname?"

"Aw... is wittle Jack gonna cwy?"

He growls, closing the space between us very fast. He uses his wolf speed. "Do not say that."

"Why not?" I jut out my bottom lip.

He grabs my arm. "Because you will regret it, wunderschönen." (beautiful)

"Are you sure?"

"Ich werde dich ficken." (I will fuck you)

"What's that mean?"

He bends down to my level, his glistening eyes burning through mine.

I grin, shoving the fork of peanut butter back into my mouth.

"It means I will fuck you. So, do not test me, Kätzchen." (kitten)

Jack's hands grip under my thighs before I have time to answer. He hoists me up onto the counter, spreading my legs apart and standing in between them.

I blush at the position we're in.

He just growls like the possessed human he is. Well, werewolf.

I reach for the jar of peanut butter, beaming when he picks it up for me.

But then he holds it behind his back.

I lunge forwards as possible with him blocking me. Both my hands reach around his back. Next thing I know, he sets the peanut butter down and picks me up. 

And as if there isn't a better time, Frederik walks in.

I sigh, resting my chin on Jack's shoulder.

I mumble, "As much as I hate you, I'm actually pretty comfortable. Also that whole picking me up fiasco wasn't slick of you."

I hear the door close again, and we're alone.

"It seemed to work though, did it not?"

I growl at him whilst he just snickers. Yeah, hilarious, right? That's why I'm laughing my head off.

It takes a second to realize when he starts to walk.

I quickly snatch the peanut butter from the counter. Ain't no way he's leavin' that.

"Don't test me," he growls out a warning. 

I'm momentarily confused, before I realize that when I had shifted to get the peanut butter... well... he wasn't too fond of that. Or maybe he was.

I shrug before looking into his eyes and biting my lip.

He drops me to my feet. Yes!

I turn around but I get spun back around and get slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, making tingles shoot up through my body.

Randomly, but not so randomly once you know what I'm wearing, a messenger from my old pack delivered my bags to Jack's pack. How convenient. I don't know how he found Jack and I.

This morning I had thrown on the next thing in my bag, which is my college uniform. Don't ask me why I packed it. It was by mistake, I swear. Want to know what that looks like? A skirt right below my ass, and a blouse. Yes, isn't that wonderful.

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